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Though it's always good to get publicity, I think this is a very poorly written article.  The journalist was here in December but has missed the significant changes that are happening and will happen in Haringey - no mention of the HDV and its probable axing, and the forthcoming big shift in power on the council.  No mention that Strickland is yesterday's man  (though he will keep doing all the damage he can up till next May).   And the fight for the market and Wards Corner is not a done deal, he neglects to mention the ten year fight back and the viable plans to restore the place not bulldoze it, nothing is fixed till we hear from the CPO Inspector in about February.  

So, annoying.  Reads as if it's done in a rush to meet a deadline. 


it doesn’t menrion HDV as it’s nothing to do with HDV! This is a separate development. 

At least two thirds of the piece is not about Wards, it's about Tottenham as a whole. It mentions 'big plans' for the area and the possible repercussions of said plans - that has to be mostly the HDV.  He surely heard about it when being shown round the area by Dave Morris of Our Tottenham?  If he had to cut to length he could have lost some of the 'colour' stuff about one person from the Market.

I'm actually most pissed that he says WHEN Grainger move the market, it's vital that people know this is still a live issue and we are still in with a chance of seeing off Grainger.  They now busy with their free access to the Apex site; a huge crane thing has arrived so we can expect the pile driver to start up any day now, and they can get on with installing those 165 dwellings on what was Council land.  A pilot deal for the HDV?  Strickland can put that on his CV.

The big plans relate to the £1billion investment that has just been agreed that relates to mainly Tottenham high street. 


I don’t quite see why HDV should be brought into the article - otherwise where do you stop. There are large developments in Enfield and Edmonton that then should be included.

OK I had presumed the High Rd West scheme is part of the HDV as it has the same players. Still doesn't explain why the article doesn't ref the HDV as that was what has brought down the Progress faction, a major political change for the local LP and with repercussions elsewhere, and grossly misreported as a far-left purge.

PS How much do you trust Lendlease?

Progress faction? 

Oh come on! Most of the councillors who lost their seats in the selection fights had nothing to do with progress.  I’m interested to know who you think that these are not a purge but yet still have taken down a fraction! What is taking down a fraction if not a purge? (For what it’s worth I think non of these terms are helpful hence why I highlighted your use)

Why mention HDV - it’s one of several developments in the area. As mentioned you could look at Edmonton or Enfield. Where do you stop?

For what it’s worth I think the changes you talk about are probably quite over played. This scheme won’t be stopped by a change of leader and if signed neither will HDV. The realities of ruling will become more apparent post May 2018.

"This scheme won’t be stopped by a change of leader and if signed neither will HDV." - ah... democracy.

It's not Momentum doing this. The anti-HDV group are doing this and they're getting a little fed-up with Momentum getting all the credit I think.

I was being sarcastic BTW. The council are going to do a HUGE regeneration project that will affect the area for years to come and it wasn't in their manifesto. The people responsible for it have pretty much been fired with 5 months notice and yet, it will still go ahead.

Stop being silly with this kind of thing "Quick text poll every 5 years". You're reducing the argument to a straw man. The council leader's machinations four years ago got her a cabinet that towed the line to her regeneration plan. It's only been a couple of by-elections that whittled her majority down enough to cause panic in the ranks. Democracy eh?

Just quoting that back to you Billy, perhaps out of context: "I trust lend lease". It's hard to recover from there and, you don't.

My thoughts too Pam. Written as if to fulfill a word limit, (before rushing off to the pub for NYE celebrations). Shame really as the NYT is one of the best in the world for investigative journalism, such as it still is.

I haven't read it since they published those Manchester bombing pictures while the investigation was still ongoing.

Then I had a run in with one of their reporters (well, an "intern") at my work, who had managed to get herself in somewhere she was really not welcome.

What a great story, well written, some actual research and interviews, good photos too, it's clear to me how the best of American journalism is probably the best in the world.



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