Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Same old issue but I can find no posts for it.
What was the process of the CPZ times being shortened?

People are really selfish on Allison Road, N8. They don't park up to the bumper; and some really struggle to park at all. Well it can be difficult and it is on a relatively steep hill.
They are so frightened of not being able to get out again, they take up 2 parking spaces!
On Sundays just forget it: so many tourists coming into Green Lanes.
I wonder how it works in San Francisco?


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This set of search results (generated via tagging) should give you what you want ONN.
Hugh, just reading a few of these links shows the difficulty of balancing all the different interests competing for a scarce 'common' resource ─ public parking spaces.

One strength of the 'town meeting' approach of HoL is helping to build a judgment by giving a wide range of views. (Although the traders' views seem to be missing. )

So I wonder of it's possible to have an overview / summary of these posts? A kind of 'catch-up' for beginners; or refresher for old hands?

Maybe a couple of journalists among HoL members would volunteer?
Great idea. Any volunteers?
Are you talking about traffic or parking Alan?

I'm plotting something on traffic.

We have the same problem in our road with "selfish/thoughtless" parkers. Something to moan to one another about I suppose...
John, I was thinking of a gathering together, overview and summary of all the posts Hugh listed about the CPZ and parking. So it's punchy, lively, and in one place.

Though maybe, the wiki is a tool which could be used? Though I'm not sure as I haven't used this process myself. With a lot of the collaborative writing I've done, I've done the main work. Except for editing several books when I was working closely with an author - who of course always had the final word. And while I found this pair- process very creative; it was also extremely time-intensive.

But this is a problem of HoL's success. There's so much material generated, that lots of good stuff may now be overlooked - or only found with effort nipping around different threads.
John, second that!



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