Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

So it seems Downhills park is well packed with camper vans this morning.

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I firmly agree with this statement.  Its my understanding that every local authority should provide legal sites, but I couldnt possibly name one in Haringey - Anyway I'm off for my evening run in the park, I wont let this deter me and with any luck they'll be gone after the wedding their attending tomorrow. But it must be a pretty big wedding, as I've never seen such a massive turn out before

There is at least one legal site in haringey : between Philip lane and west green road. Probably more I haven't seen.
There's one on Clyde Rd. Traveller Weddings are huge...

Counted 30 caravans alone tonight. Didn't count the vehicles or campers, that was just caravans!

I actually saw the majority of them heading off. They were there for 48 hours and cleaned up after themselves almost completely. I didn't feel intimidated running right next to them (they had all parked by the path so people could use the playing fields) as they all seemed to have young children who were playing in the park .... just as any normal child would.

Now I know we all pay our council tax and I know it's a bit inconvenient but this is london we all have to give a little and be tolerant don't we? At the end of the day they are just people like you and me trying to get on and by with life.



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