John McMullan



United Kingdom

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  • matt

    Damn! My cover's blown.

    You're be talking rugby manoeuvres now. :)
  • Liz

    Hello, want to tell us about what you've been reading in Books?
  • Liz

    Thanks for joining and the tip about Lausanne Road. Maybe, I'll get a few more and chase up Mr Glinert...!
  • Liz

    Just as side issue, some people on this site get very hot under the collar about cars. I questioned widespread ownership of cars in the parking bays debate and two ladies had a called me a 'yummy mummy' and I don't think she meant it in a nice way! (I didn't really mind)
  • Liz

    You know, I'm quite charming with old ladies too but I bet they prefer a nice young man like you ! Tell you what, you handle the old ladies and I'll deal with the men that look like school principals...
  • PeterPiper

    Let's be friends, and discuss the issues face to face
    Take care
  • PeterPiper

    Where is Lausanne Rd?
  • Liz

    You know John, I think Hugh is having a little R and R after a busy week, he's not trapped in an office with a load of lawyers anymore, as the MetroBet, hearing finished yesterday. He'll update us on it shortly.
  • Liz

    You blogger...after what you said about blogging!
  • Hugh

    What type of file were your pictures on? - jpg? gif? psd? other?
  • Hugh

    Yeah, just right click and save the images on to your local drive, then add them from there - jpg best.
  • Hugh

    Ah, no, although it's not clear, it's referring to an url of a photo you have uploaded elsewhere on the site. Although you can add flickr photos on the photo pages.
  • Hugh

    La chokran. Allah ou'j'aib!
  • Lauren W

    Yeah, I think it's best we all move on. But I am a bit annoyed and sort of wishing I'd never said anything at all. Thanks for starting the forum, I think important points were made. But next time I think I'll remain a silent observer as it seems quite clear that my opinions on things (and this isn't the only thread I've felt this way about) differ quite markedly from those of a lot of people on here, so making comments opens me up to a lot of criticism. I guess if I can't take it (and to be honest I don't really feel like it bc I think it's opposed to what I think should be the spirit of a site like this) I should just stick to nice benign discussions like ones about cycling routes :) Anyway thanks for your efforts.
  • Hugh

    John, if you have friends with strong voices of moderation, then I'd welcome them piping up. They're the sort of voices that are most welcome and need to be heard. If other members feel people are being Nimby tehn they should say so and explain their views. Otherwise they miss an opportunity to educate/explain.
  • Birdy_Too

    Yeah, Responsible Dog Owners of Harringay would be cool. I'll look into it. Dunno how many members it'll get mind : )
  • Liz

    John, did you submit your bid for Making the Difference money on the flyer or can you do it online?
  • Liz

    The lady who called me 'yummy mummy' took a silly exchange about cars completely seriously and had a right go at me. Another one gave me a hard time when I complained about white never know who's reading!
  • Liz

    Have a good holiday! Thanks for telling me or I would have worried that I'd put you off with all my talk in the 'Are we too cosy' conversation. Visiting family in Sweden?
  • StephenBln

    Hi John, I had been thinking of adding you onto "my friends" list.. But I think I'll defer at the moment...... "your friends" seem to be fated with "the curse of the friendly mcmullan"...... breaking trolleybus windows with their heads... loosing their teeth from a cricket ball.. and another example I'm far too lazy to sort out... so there!! ;o)
  • Liz

    Thanks for the link, John
  • Liz

    I did the very first time, don't you remember?
  • matt

    Johnny be good, you coming to the drinks Tue?
  • matt

    She did ya proud mate. Similar accent too. ;)
  • Anette

    what, you have cycle rage? :D
    How did you work out how econimical my 'Boo is?
  • Anette

    Yes, the 2cv is not famous for it's sturdiness. If I hit something head on I'll probably be ok, but if something big hits me from the side I am toast. So I am marginally better protected that you are, but don't have the benefit of the exercise you get on your bike. Ho hum. At least I am relatively green. Just look at me!
  • Birdy_Too

    John, as the discussion is closed I will respond to you via this : )
    I have been on a million and one trains with football fans, most weekends in fact, I have rarely seen any trouble. In fact have been complimented man a time, individually and a part of official supporters groups.

    I lived in Sheffield in Euro 1996, not one spot of bother. Thousands were enjoying their mutual love of the game, I made a lot of Euro friends then, it made your heart glow.

    As you are a Kiwi and it seems follows rugby and cricket it's very assumpious (sp?) to conclude what you have.

    Football has a minority of idiots, considering it is the most participated and watched sport in the world you are going to get that. I will not deny for a minute there are some.

    I saw loads of trouble after a game, possibly fuelled by grog at a Dunedin v Crusaders game five years ago. I have not concluded that this is a rugby problem, it is a society problem. I have also experienced more racism in rugby than football, which says what? Some sections of society see it fit to be racist and agro fuelled, not rugby fans.

    The thing I dislike is people who know next to nothing about the game concluding very binary arguments.

    I have been to European cups, World cups and loads of lower league games and the argy bargy rate is next to zero.

    As I said the middle class attitude of football really gets my goat with the only experience being one Arsenal game and a paninni and a handful of games on the telly.

    The fair ground on Ducketts spurs trouble as do the various music festivals at FP. Damn fair going hooligan types.
  • Birdy_Too

    Any time dude, I've got Italy v Spain on the telly just for you.
  • Dominic

    just sent this comment to my clever of me!

    "that's if it isn't soaking wet! Saying that its a good idea, especially as we don't have a car to go back and forth to the recycling center.. so if you see a large cloud of smoke one day....
    thanks for the info on the wooden fence. Didn't see your comment until now".
  • Liz

    Thanks for the friend connection. I've been meaning to do that myself. Course you will now have to put up with my 'sharing' my (litter) life with you.
  • Liz

    Quote for you:
    "Bendy-buses, like atheism, are a danger to the public at large"
    Stephen Green of pressure group Christian Voice
  • Liz

    'probably no god' written across a bendy bus is the best way I know to wind up the majority of Londoners...bring it on! Now where did I leave my horns and little fork?
  • Nigel Lupton (luptonn)

    John - think you'll be interested in this:
  • Harringay SNT

    Not my descision to make John. However when a death happens it is always treat as a crime scene and all evidence from witnessess, road conditions, state of driver, mechanical soundness of vehicle etc are taken into account.
    I played no part in the investigation the first on scene was a team officer and then obviously Senior officers and Traffic officers are then involved. An Inspector will be in overall charge of the investigation in a matter like this.
  • matt

    Cool page header dude. You a space invaders freak?

    David and LD crew are doing a door to door petition for 20mph zone for Wightman Rd. Maybe they'll make it over to Lausanne next wkd.
  • David Schmitz

    Hi John,

    My understanding is that London Travelwatch is the place to start, because they certainly do consultations to assess demand for new routes which they are considering.. Having visited their website, however, I didn;t find anywhere which seemed appropriate for getting a new proposal on their agenda. I've therefore sought advice. When I hear back, I'll let you know.


  • David Schmitz

    Hi John,

    I've now heard back from the enquiry I made.

    The procedure is to prepare a case as to why the proposed route needed and then to organise a petition in support. The material should then be passed to Transport for London. If you can work out how the proposed route might be married up with an existing route, that would improve its chances for approval.

    I've asked Caroline Pidgeon, who is one of the Lib Dem members of the GLA and who is the Deputy Chair of the Transport Committee, as to precisely where the material ought to be addressed. She has offered to pass it on to the relevant person and has advised that it be addressed to the Mayor as chair of TfL.

    Her contact details are:
    Cllr Caroline Pidgeon AM
    Liberal Democrat Group
    Deputy Chair Transport Committee
    London Assembly
    Tel: 020 7983 4362

    Hope this helps.

  • David Schmitz

    Hi John,

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I've since received some further advice, which I reproduce below. I think that we would all agree that the mooted suggestions about diverting the 29 or 141 are unrealistic, not least because of the narrowness of Wightman Road and the width of these buses. Likewise, I cannot see the diversion of the W5 attracting any support from existing users who want to make a quick trip to the Sainsbury's. It could, I suppose, be diverted as far as Burgoyne Road, but that would confer little benefit on Wightman Road residents to compensate for the disruption in service that would be caused. So the task, I suppose, is to persuade TfL to agree a new route. Because a diversion of bus routes now going along Green Lanes would not be an option, I don't think that it would be necessary to survey the ladder roads beyond, say, Harringay Passage. However, the rail passengers at Hornsey Stn. should be consulted in addition to those using Harringay Stn.
    Anyway, here is what I've received:
    TfL London Buses are mostly hostile to agreeing new routes. The most important consideration is gathering credible evidence of sufficient demand (they are very difficult about conceding what constitutes sufficient demand).
    You also need to have good answers about the impact a new route would have on existing services. If an existing route is to be diverted, how many existing passengers would lose out ?

    Consequently, a well constructed house-to-house survey is necessary. I would say this needs to go into all the households not only along Wightman Road itself but on all the intersecting sidestreets which connect with Green Lanes, and indeed along both sides of Green Lanes itself. Since the new route would serve Harringay rail station, you could also find a way to survey rail passengers entering and leaving the station from the east side, and ask them whether a bus stop outside the station would be welcome.

    However, you may end up finding out that diverting one of the routes along Green Lanes is a seriously unpopular proposal.

    One of the reasons TfL dislike agreeing to new bus routes is that it involves the set-up and administration costs of a whole new bus contract to be franchised out. So it is always better to try to persuade them to adapt the existing network.

    Two bus routes currently operate along Green Lanes, the road parallel to Wightman Road: the 29 (Trafalgar Square to Enfield Town) and the 141 (London Bridge Station to Palmers Green). A case could be made for routeing one of them via Turnpike Lane and along Wightman Road and returning to Green Lanes via Endymion Road. This would fulfil your residents' objective of getting a service connecting them to both Wood Green and (if the 29 route is chosen) Finsbury Park.

    There might, however, be an uproar from 29/141 passengers used to boarding and alighting along Green Lanes - and my suspicion is that there might be more users on the main road than along Wightman Road.

    However, there is an argument in favour of one of these key routes going past Harringay rail station: a new rail/bus interchange is a powerful reason for diverting one of them.

    If all we are trying to do is get some kind of bus service on to some of Wightman Road, you may find it easier to persuade TfL to adapt a "little local service" like the W5 (Archway to Harringay Sainsbury's) rather than altering either major arterial/radial bus route.

    The W5 could turn into Wightman Road from Endymion Road, take in Harringay Station, and then either run the whole length of Wightman Road to Turnpike Lane and back to Sainsbury's along Green Lanes; or, turn into one of the suburban side roads connecting to Green Lanes if a shorter route is thought more viable. I don't know these side streets, and fear they may be too narrow and cluttered both sides with residents' parked cars.

    Not an easy problem to solve !
  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    John, I've now seen David's further comments and the feedback he's had from his sources.
    However 'hostile' TfL may be to initiating totally new routes, I think that's just what's needed rather than any diversion of W5 or other routes. As you both say: a lot of work.
    Your proposed route has the advantage of travelling mainly virgin territory, therefore not greatly impinging on existing routes' business. The addition of the Campsbourne Estate loop (?and any similar poorly served estates/streets along Tollington Pk Rd ?) can only strengthen that argument.
    I still think we need a shorter, slimmer bus model than the W4/W5 to convince all the car parkers of Wightman Road. That model originally designed for Jersey/Guernsey's narrow roads and used here and there on the 'mainland' might be the job. StephenBln might be the expert on that.

    The door-to-door petitioning, though demanding, wouldn't be impossible once we're sure enough of what we want so as to bring some more of our HOL sceptics on side. I'm convinced there's enough residents, including some drivers, who would be glad to use a bus on your suggested route on a fairly regular basis.

    Any ideas you have on a way forward? I know I have some persuading to do within WRN4RA for a start!

  • Liz

    John - aren't O'Donovans on of your betes noirs? Check out this blog I love N15 which seems to be having a hell of a time with them.
    Welcome back btw, missed you at the meeting. B2 and I had a right old set to (friends again)! And no one made me stay for just one more...
  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    Except, John, that the mobility/dial-a-ride model might carry a bit of a stigma - that the route is really for the 'aged & infirm' rather than being a fully grown-up bus???
  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    Thanks John. No problem. At least you persuaded me to find my way to the Salisbury again. 8.15 tomorrow is fine.
  • Liz

    Think Alan intended this message for you

    "Thanks, John. Though I hope this is one invitation I won't be able to accept.

    Cllr Harry Lister has called this evening's meeting for 7pm - which is thirty minutes before the start of the first part of the Labour Group AGM. Among other things the AGM elects the Chief Whip for the Municipal Year.

    I've now posted Cllr Lister's latest email, with my reply, here on Flickr.

    You'll see that despite my asking several times, I still haven't had Cllr Lister's list of my nine Flickr pages he objects to. Perhaps it's just photos taken in daylight and fresh air he finds so scary.

    He insists that I won't "get sight of the report" until 7 pm this evening. Which is a bit late to start writing a rebuttal, calling witnesses etc. So I'm assuming that this evening Labour councillors - the vast majority of whom are a decent hardworking bunch of people - will recognise this is a flagrant breach of the principles of Natural Justice, and won't let Lister's showtrial go ahead."

    posted on Alan's own profile at 3.38, 12 May 2009
  • Steve Hatch

    Hi John, I will pop my head in and have a swift half if I can. To be completely honest I am a bit skint at the moment, hey maybe my old mate James will buy me one ;-) I hope you all have a great evening.
  • Julie

    I'm only pretending to be pissed off. I hate the grumpy old men types on the site. They seem to be able to dish it out but they can't take it!
  • John D

    will try. Hope to see you then
  • Kamila

    Hi John!!! I'm on the wrong side of the tracks really but HOL is so much better than my own forum. It is a beacon site!! I could become an addict although I am very new to social networking. Btw how come I got an instant reply from you - amazing.
  • WightmanPaul


    Can't do meeting as have to work in evening.  Pls let me know what is discussed.


  • matthew cuthbert

    Ameba gives you total control over what your children watch by allowing you to preselect from thousands of educational and music themed shows; ...

    could this really work, Joe thinks Nefertiti is a character from Scooby Doo, which at least is a start? sounds like an incentive to play more a watch less.

  • Lesley G

    Aww thanks! Maybe I was being a bit over sensitive last night (and over-tired!), but that's just who I am, very sensitive, and really quite a nice, kind person, and felt like I was being portrayed as some nasty crop-wielding property obsessed cow!

    But having slept on it, I'll try to not take things too personally in future. Thank for the encouraging message.