Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I've long wondered what effect the arrival Stadium and Arena had on Harringay and suspect it might not have been very positive.

This excerpt from Hansard, 1928, in a debate about a dog racing bill suggests this may have been the case:


A proposal was made, almost on the borders of the constituency of the hon. and gallant Member for Enfield, to put up a racecourse adjoining a hospital. The board of guardians made strong objections, and the local authority protested, but they had no power. This Bill would give the local authority power in that area to prevent a racecourse being put up alongside a hospital. Hon. Members have said that they have been to see dog racing, and have found no fault with it. I invite them to go to Harringay Park one night next week, but, instead of going in, to stop outside and see what is happening to the neighbourhood. Let them see the streets of respectable working- class houses, where there are fried-eel stalls, and people hawking all kinds of things, and selling betting information and that sort of thing; and then let them walk down some of the streets in the vicinity of the racecourse, and see the number of people who have put up boards offering their houses for sale, because of the pandemonium in the neighbourhood. Surely the people in the district should have some say in the suitability of a site for a course.


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Fascinating how this single planning decision continues to resonate through the decades with Stadium disruption now giving way to that caused by the 'out of town' shopping precinct that has replaced it.



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