Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Women's SELF DEFENCE course at Harringay United Church, Green Lanes, last night.

Went to first session last night at 6 pm.  It was about 8 young women, me and about 6 police officers.  As I have a list of ailments at the moment that I won't bore you with, eg. wearing splint on left arm for thumb, coming down with some nasty lurgy etc. I was not able to take on some of the more energetic methods we were being taught with enthusiastic help from the local constabulary.  The guy leading the group was not being paid and was doing the group for the community as a volunteer. Apparently he has his own company that gives trainings in fitness and self defence. The police officers (yes not CPs) were also not being paid. Some of them were from Noel Park ward. They were all very helpful and supportive.

OK the moves we learnt - not recommended to knee the attacker in the ghoulies as it involves taking one foot off the ground, you might lose you're balance and whoops you're on your back and now easy prey.

  •  Jab with stiff fingers in the eyeballs.
  • Use your thumbs ( I couldnt do this one due to splint on left hand) on each side of attackers head, behind the ears, high up - apply pressure hard and fast - it's very painful.
  • Take a small piece of flesh on the forearm and pinch hard (not in winter when people got coats on obviously)
  • scrape your foot down the front of attacker's front-lower leg - where it's just bone - v painful. Don't do it if going to lose balance.
  • If you get grabbed from behind in an arm lock, take your inside foot (closest to attacker) and take a large step backwards and twist - breaks his grip.
  • don't eyeball anyone approaching you, but don't look down at the ground either - appear confident - looking around, head up.
  • If someone comes up and asks for the time(for example) and they are coming too close and being intimidating, keep talking and stepping back and circle (not in a nervous victimish way ) until you're exit is clear ... watch out for an accomplice, keep aware, look all around you.
  • shout aggressively - STOP and hold up your hand.

Those are all the ones I can remember - more next Thursday at 6 pm!


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Replies to This Discussion

Hi, thanks for posting this, I didn't know about these classes.

Can anyone just turn up? Is there any charge?


It was put on by the Noel Park Safe neighbourhood team and I'm told you'd have to email them to answer that question.

Yes it is free.

email: noelpark.snt@met.police.uk

Best wishes


Thank you. :-)

Response via Twitter:

Yes I remember they put on before but I couldn't do it then. It's good and so nice of those guys to give up their free time..... They are an asset to the local community.



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