Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Someone in our street threw a humdinger of a party last night that is still going on now, with a group of people in the garden talking at the tops of their voices with clearly no thought to any neighbours or the fact they live in a fairly quiet residential street. Yet no one seems willing to ask them to pipe down! We don't live that close (the noise carries though and we had to keep our windows shut last night) so while I am tempted to go round and ask them to stop now, I think if people closer don't appear to mind the noise, I shouldn't let it bother me either. I just don't understand why no one's complained though! 

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please note that since austerity your taxes pay for very little. a huge amount of these services are funded externally by the ESF or charitable organisations. rather than blame the council, take a look at how much funding has been axed then do the maths. 

as a public sector worker I can assure you that many of us are not paid via your taxes or council tax for that matter. my job for example is 100% externally funded . you'll probably find that the person who was once paid to call you back no longer has a job. 

Sorry, I'm unaware.

Given "noise policies" are listed under the Haringey Council website, my assumption was that it was a council responsibility. Who is actually funding the enforcement of it now?

IIRC the noise service is very cut down now, the hours have got silly as when you need it - ie at 4am - is when they are closed.

At 21:55 on Sunday evening the police helicopter has been hovering over the central area of Finsbury Park for the last 10 minutes. [Edit at 2210, last 25 mins continuously].

1) Loud or what, compared to the concerts that I've been scarcely aware of this and last weekend. 2) Don't recall such a visit last weekend or this - till now. Stable door?

If job to do fair enough [can also hear more than one vehicle siren], but it feels like an outlier, and for what?.....

a police helicopter has flown every night a concert has been on. not just tonight. it's a necessity for croud control or something. 

Still here at 2225, that's a lot of aviation fuel and pilot/spotter time.

Still audible at 2245. 

A whole hour since first post.

Hot nights + windows open last weekend too so ambient sounds really audible, and truly not aware of 'copters last weekend/this weekend, till tonight.

I take no view about the concerts, it's not an oblique complaint.

services will be listed and are still running, but you'll find one person is now doing the job of three.  on a positive note, bankers are doing really well. 

It was with genuine amusement that I learned of a social interaction in Haringey over the weekend.

One of the new music venues in the increasingly cool Haringey was visited by some local youths. They brandished knives and very real threats. They didn't want money or mobile phones...they wanted the operators from the Dalston diaspora to "turn the f*cking music off!".

They lived locally and were fed up with the incessant noise. It wasn't late at night but late afternoon. A neighbouring venue was also targeted but they had more security and higher fences.

The police were called, and the music WAS turned off. 

 Perhaps the middle classes of Harringay could put their Sabatier and Wüsthof knife sets to more productive use?

On my estate the youths with knives are the ones with the music (and don't say how do I know they have knives, me and my neighbour have both found them in our front gardens). They are outside at the end of our block. But because we don't know where they live the council won't do anything. They say call 101. Which I've tried on the past only to be on hold forget then have the call dropped. 

I work in Housing for another borough, and we actually have a security service and pay for extra police. When I moved to Haringey I expected the same - can't believe there's nothing. 

We have had some recent ongoing problems with a family renting a house in our vicinity with v v loud music and the accompanying shouting all through the night, sound systems wired up through the garden etc  - I eventually dropped a note round to several of the houses in the immediate vicinity whose peace and quiet I felt must be being compromised even though I didn't know the people who lived in those houses. They immediately responded and were v pleased to have the contact as they felt as aggrieved as I did. We went on to have a meeting all together and worked out a plan of action which included as a first option - complaining big time to the letting agent. This was done and we have not (touch wood) heard a peep from them since. Peace has broken out again and I know a few more of my neighbours. Win win. 



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