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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

One particular style of pot readily identifiable and produced at Highgate in the later period was shaped like the seed head of a poppy. The 'poppyhead beaker' often had raised dot decorations on it (added using thick slip). (Image: H.Sheldon)

Nick Peacey of Friends of the Highgate Roman Kiln (FOHRK) will lead a walk to the Roman pottery manufacturing site in Highgate Wood at 11am on Saturday 15th July 2023

Meet at the Information Hut near the cafe where a discussion of the walk will include recent thinking about the pottery manufacture in the Wood and look at some of the finds, including the section of Roman kiln displayed in the Hut.

The group will then go up the hill at the north of the Wood to visit the site and hear about:

  • the 1960s/70s excavations, experiments in making and firing replica pots and kilns
  • the plans of the Firing London's Imagination partnership (FOHRK, Bruce Castle Museum and the City of London Corporation) recently awarded a three year grant of £243,500 by the Heritage [Lottery] Fund.

The walk will take about an hour. It's free, but donations of £5 pp in cash or to the FOHRK Just Giving account are appreciated.

The group asks that you email the email address below if you plan to come so they can have a rough idea of how many resources are needed.


email: friendsofhighgateromankiln@gmail.com

Justgiving: www.justgiving.com/campaign/kiln2021

Highgate Wood

Address: Highgate Wood, Muswell Hill Road, London N10 3JN

Map: www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/assets/Green-Spaces/highgate-wood-map.pdf


Let Nick know if you would like further information.

Nick Peacey
Secretary, Friends of the Highgate Roman Kiln (FOHRK)


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