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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hello! So I have lots of visitors permits due to this years pandemic and no one coming to visit us.. I have only noticed that there is no 2021 year to scratch off- will Haringey council give people some leeway as surely no one has been able to use many visitors permits In 2020?

I was thinking I could just clearly write the year 2021 on the tickets?

Is there someone from the council that could advise? I have been trying to contact Haringey council about this but have not heard back.

Tags for Forum Posts: parking, parking permits, visitor parking permits, visitor parking permits expiry

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Thanks Zena, have emailed.

Given the amount of bureaucracy involved in replacing thousands of expired vouchers for new ones and the fact the council is no doubt short-staffed it seems a no brainer to allow the use of 2020 vouchers. It's not depriving the council of funds, but literally saving them money.

Understandably the council and the postal service are under pressure. A Christmas card I sent took 19 days to go 2 miles and arrived yesterday. We have to give everyone a bit of leeway, and understand that lots of people are trying to do their best in very difficult work and personal circumstances. Sometimes because we’re under pressure too, our temperatures rise more quickly than we might want.

Many organisations are having to be more flexible to deal with the current situation so it would be great if the council could think about relaxing the rules about using 2020 permits or another solution which would meet their needs as well as providing the support to residents so we don’t get a fine etc. Thanks Zena for helping explore a solution.


To update everyone on this thread, I wrote to the service as below. (I have edited out the references to individual casework here.)  I have had a response to the specific case, and am awaiting a reply to the substantive issue about managing the situation regarding expired parking permits, and getting new ones. 

Dear Stephen

Residents in my ward have posted their experience sin trying to get new  visitors’  parking permits for 2021. The link to the discussion is here: 


 I have just checked the Council’s website and see that vouchers which expired in 2020 can be exchanged. I am pleased that is now the case, and that the previous policy posted on the thread, screenshot from the website, no longer applies. However, as Mr Brown points out that does seem a rather circuitous approach to this matter. Given the stay at home order from the Government, and the position with the pandemic,  wouldn’t it be more sensible, socially responsible and judicious just to announce that vouchers from 2020 will be honoured, and that residents will not be penalised for using them in 2021.

 If there is a problem with this approach, please tell me what it is. I cannot see the problem myself, since people have paid for their permits. Going to the post office to send a registered letter is an unnecessary journey and seems counter to other advice at this time - I am sure you get my point.

 I hope to have an early reply from you or one of your team.


If other readers are having problems around the vouchers, please do let me know.  To make sure everyone knows, the Council website has been updated and they will now exchange the expired 2020 vouchers as I mention in the email - but still requiring a visit to the post office as far as I can see.


Zena Brabazon
Cllr, Harringay ward

► Update:
From Haringey Council's website Friday 8 January 2021 at 6.48 pm.
Doodled circles are my attempt to bring a little colour into the grey unresponsive insensitive world of Haringey Parking bureaucracy.

Which apparently may think that on the day the UK hit the highest ever daily reported deaths from Covid-19 with 1,325 fatalities, and a day when Government Ministers and the Mayor of London wewe pleading for people to stay at home as much as possible,  it was perfectly acceptable Haringey to expect for residents to be making a pointless trip to stand in a queue outside their local Post Office.

It’s good at least that the website finally matches what we’ve been told for the last few years. Seema Chandawani promised to fix it when I requested it in our recent Twitter exchange on this issue. So, credit to Haringey for that. 

I'd like to point out how ridiculous this exchange scheme is:

1. They're actually suggesting people queue up at the post office to return vouchers. If it was just regular pandemic out there this would be irresponsible, without even considering the current state of affairs.

2. Presumably they know the postal system is screwed, so no one has any idea how long they will take to arrive.

3. Chances are the council are short-staffed, so processing the returns will no doubt take extra time.

4. The new ones have to be sent by post. As mentioned previously, I'm still waiting for mine that were sent a month ago.

There appears to be (unless I'm missing something) a much more straightforward solution, which would be to simply allow the use of permits which expired in 2020. If they insist that the year must remain unremoved, I can't see any way in which permits could be used fraudulently or otherwise exploited? 

Someone please explain how I'm wrong.

Completely agree. We have now sent ours back registered post but have the challenge of how to get new ones with the current postal situation. Not that we have any visitors but a broken boiler last weekend usef some so there are always situations.  

Cllr Chandawani tells me that the option of extending the 2020 vouchers is currently “being looked at” - better late than never, I guess. 

Apparently white smoke by next Tuesday.

An update on this.

I sent a second email to the Director of Environment and Neighborhoods today, at around 11am. I copied in Cllr Seema Chandwani, the Chief Executive and the Director of Public Health. I made all the points again (very similar to Ian's) and urged that the 2020 vouchers were honoured- suggesting a 6 month moratorium.

I got a reply by return from Seema on the same lines as Hugh has posted. She also told me this was already being looked at. I have no other replies as yet.

Given the health emergency declared by the Mayor today, and the public exhortations from the government to stay home the sooner this is sorted the better.  I will stick at it!!


Zena Brabazon

Cllr,  Harringay ward

Thanks Zena. Your idea is simple and elegant. It seems like very much the best solution.

Thanks Hugh,

Praise indeed!


Zena Brabazon
Cllr, Harringay ward



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