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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Started the day yesterday with a ticket on our recycling bin, which as usual was nearly full. Veolia declined to empty it as 'it contains items that cannot be recycled'.

I had a window open and registered that the bin wasn't being moved and went out and was able to stop one of the workers to challenge him. He very kindly came back and we looked in our recycling.

What I learned is that Veolia won't collect your bin if it contains polystyrene, even if it has a big triangular stamp showing it is recyclable and how. Plant pots, also with a recycling stamp, are the 'wrong sort of plastic'.

So our bin got a ticket. The Veolia worker explained that if it happens again, I will be spoken to. And should it happen a third time Veolia will issue a fine.

So, Veolia don't do what they are supposed to (take recycling) and have the power to impose a fine on citizens trying to recycle.

I don't recall be consulted about this, I have not received any information from the council advertising it. And who on earth thinks it is a good idea to give Veolia power to levy fines, when it struggles to perform its basic function. A win-win situation for Veolia.

Islington Council has moved waste and cleaning back in-house. Camden and other councils have sacked Veolia. If anyone from Haringey Council is reading: please can we end the contract with Veolia? Or can we have an explanation of why a consistently bad service is thought to be acceptable to Haringey citizens?

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Money isn't everything, at least, not to most of us. You get what you pay for. If you out-source council services to private companies which are only interested in profits, then they treat the workforce like dirt. When people are treated badly, paid poorly, and driven like slaves, you aren't going to get a decent service. Treat the workforce well, show them that they are valued, pay them a fair wage, and you will get a better service. Unless, of course, the management is rubbish, in which case you replace or retrain the managers. And the only reason that council services cost more is that the government of millionaires has stolen all the money to give to their rich friends (including the people who own and run Veolia and other out-sourcing companies), in return for which they stay on the rich boys' gravy train.

Veolia has a lousy reputation nationally, and Billy you seem to be the only one with a good word for them.  Street sweeping frequency when their contract started was good, but now it is less frequent than the Enterprise DLO.

No, the Connex connection is not a red herring. They did not maintain trains adequately, and elsewhere the are criticisms of Veolia, as they knew the name Connex had a bad reputation. They are 'get rich quick' merchants who do not know much about the business they are entering.

I'm not sure the 'I'm right' you are wrong approach is a basis for a rational discussion.  I just read about the failure of Veolia to do the job effectively, whether it is Waste Management and emptying bins, operating bus services or running train operations. There comes a point when mega conglomerates start to fail, having over-reached their competence.  From the number of cancellations of Veolia's contracts, selling parts of or whole bus companies, and their being unceremoniously removed from rail contracts where management was crass, shows that perhaps you may think it is OK to deliver a mediocre service.

If you can highlight what you think are Veolia's successes I'd love to know them.  But I am entitled to my opinon, how do you base your statement 'Connexion with trains is complete rubbish'.  You think Connex-Veolia was competent?

You are entitled to your opinion Billy, but do not 'rubbish' others views with whom you disagree, as not many HoL contributors back you up, do they?

I'm no fan of Haringey Council, and not impressed with either the Councillors or staff involved with Haringey's in-house management.  

No if you co back to the earlier threads on Veolia's Israeli divisions, I then expressed concern at their UK and other western European operations that were not not a roaring success, and (like you?) I felt an attack on an operation three thousand miles away might not be relevant to our every-day lives.

It is not that they ran crap trains  or buses, the attitude of their senior management seems to be one that is just concerned with surviving and the bottom line. I agree that renegotiate a contract after just a year is not Haringey's cleverest move.

Looking at their web-site they are good on spin, and sweep under the carpet the bad bits.  

This is a conglomerate that has become so big it is probably too big to manage, with operations as far apart as Canada and the Lebanon.  By the way, you seem such a strong supporter of this discombobulated operation, do you work for them?

Cheers Ric

Did anyone watch undercover boss yesterday which followed Biffa.  It was a complete eye-opener for me.  How their staff was treated and their work conditions was comparable to a third world country.  I imagine Veolia staff are treated the same way for the profit margins to be there to keep the shareholders sweet.  

There is also an Undercover Boss show featuring Veolia, but in Australia.

The announcement on Lynne Featherstone's Blog that the North London Waste Plan has been abandoned does at least get Veolia out of the equation.  It seems their performance on Haringey's waste services is showing a slow steady deterioration.
Frankly the whole process is fundamentally flawed, and the personalities of some individuals involved raised some basic questions over competence.
The existing plant at Edmonton should now be updated to ensure recycling is maximised, and what waste has no other use is incinerated, provided that emissions are properly cleaned up to ensure toxic emissions are reduced to an absolute minimum.



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