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UK losing 6 pubs a day. Should we be worried?

6 pubs a day are closing in the UK, according to this article. Various factors are blamed including the cheap price of supermarket booze, the high tax on beer, the extra costs of the strict rules applied to pubs, one of the commenters points the finger at the no smoking ban.

Now, we are fortunate to have 3 decent establishments on our high street which we hope are still holding their own in the recession but are people right to be concerned by this trend? When I lived abroad, the one aspect of British life that people who had visited the UK pointed to as unbeatable was the British pub, are we in danger of losing this unique part of our daily lives?

Aren't pubs as an important part of community life as the post office and should they be protected more than they are at present?

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I think it is a worry and times are definitely hard for publicans round here-interestingly I imagine you didnt include the beaconsfield in your numbers,although i wouldnt call it decent
I must admit i try to support our local areas as much as poss as one or two are struggling a bit I think, and it is so much part of our local identity
I used to use the Beaconsfield a lot when I lived up that end of Harringay and while I wouldn't call it 'decent' it was okay for a Saturday afternoon beer or a mid week pint. I haven't used it for a while but inside it is has quite nice decor and I always thought it had potential to be as nice as the Salisbury if only it carried some decent ale.

I guess I don't think of the area beyond the bridge as the high street which is why I forgot to mention it but it would be a much of a shame to lose a historic pub like the Beaconsfield so lets hope the the trend mentioned above doesn't come to Harringay.



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