Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The interesting stuff seems to be breaking on Twitter today, I've been picking up all sorts of interesting links to articles and pictures and of course have neglected to think about the fact that many of you probably don't use Twitter. So I've added a Twitter tracker to the top of the main page temporarily. If you haven't been following our tweets, it's worth clicking through to catch up on the other things I've been picking up.

Tags for Forum Posts: 2011, riot reactions, riots

Views: 358

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Got him now. Thanks.
Do you Tweeters think we have a new phenomenon; Twitter riots? (in next update of Oxford Dictionary; meaning: flash mob riots set up extremely quickly using social media such as Twitter and smart phones).
Yes and too much 24h TV..
Of course we're following you!
...I think, aren't we? Remind me of yr TwName.
Then, yes following you as MrsRrr - think I've retweeted you already, innit.

Hi Hugh!

Harringay Online has been absolutely indispensable for news on the situation in Tottenham over the last twenty four hours.

I've said it before but its a brilliant site and a brilliant community hub...

Thanks again,


The McGhees


Why, thank you.

By the way - is it possible to add a 'like' button to individual people's comments?

I don't always want to comment myself but when I find myself nodding in agreement it would be quite good to show this online!


We've had this subject quite a few times before. You must have missed them :o)  - but apparently there isn't a facility on discussions
Please bring back the twitter track! I loved it (not a tweeter myself but the "realtime" aspect is great.)



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