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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just thought I would update residents on the plans by the council to fell a significant number of trees on the Ladder roads. Cllr Schmitz, myself and local residents were so concerned about the number that we have done some further investigating. Below is a letter that Cllr Schmitz has today sent to the Arboricultural and Allotments Manager (apologies for the length but wanted residents to have all the info we can).

It would be such a shame to see any healthy trees destroyed just for convenience.  Do let us know if you have any more thoughts.

“Cllr Karen Alexander and I have now looked at all of the trees on the list save for some of the trees which are said to be affected by Phellinus pomaceus or Ganoderma, and our comments are set out below.

Our first point is that while it is not our place to second-guess your diagnoses of Phellinus pomaceus or Ganoderma, we would nonetheless ask you to have a second look at all of the trees which are marked for felling. The reason is that the list states that a number of trees are dead, whereas they are in fact living. These trees are

1. The Rowan outside 74 Falkland Road.
2. The Rowan between 23 and 25 Burgoyne Road.
3. The Rowan outside 103 Lothair Road North.
4. The Rowan oposite 99 Lothair Road North.

Naturally, the direction to fell should be lifted from these trees. We would also be grateful if you could check the status of the trees on Cavendish Road which are said to be dead but which we have not been able to check.

Turning now to the trees which are not said to be diseased, but which it is proposed to fell for other reasons, our comments are as follows:

1. The cherry tree outside 64 Sydney Road. We accept that this is large and that its roots are disturbing the pavement. However, we consider that the problem could be solved by building up the pavement immediately to the west of the tree, so as to provide an appropriate incline in the pavment. If the pavement were built up, it would not be so readily disturbed as it is at present.

2. The Turkish Hazel outside 3 Raleigh Road does not strike us as too big for the location. Its canopy is high off the ground, and it could be controlled by a small amount of pruning. The damage appears to us to be slight.

3. The Cherry outside 65 Lausanne Road, appears to have suffered only minimal damage in the form of paint.

4. The Turkish Hazel outside 77/79 Falkland Road. Though large, it does not in the least obstruct the footway. A mature tree of this quality is worth saving. It should be pruned, not felled.

5. The Rowan outside 108/110 Falkland Road. Although the tree is leaning significantly, please consider whether safety concerns can be met by pruning (thereby reducing weight). Local residents wish it to be retained if possible.

6. The Maple outside 100/102. The damaged pavement is in fact poorly laid tarmac. Please reconsider design of paving. Also, please note that passage of pedestrians would not be restricted if a tall hedge back to the property boundary were trimmed.

NOTE: If all the trees proposed for felling in Falkland Road were to be removed, there would be a large area with minimal provision on both sides of the road.

7. The Rowan between 69 and 71 Effingham Road is said to have extensive decay in the trunk. We cannot see that. To us, it appears to be thriving.
8. The Turkish Hazel near 1 Beresford Road. This appears to be causing no damage. There are no problems which could not be addressed by light pruning.

9. The Rowan between 27 and 29 Warham Road is said to be in decline and with a thin canopy. There is some old damage to the bark and some leaves are perished. Can it not, however, be treated, and even if not, is there any reason why it cannot be spared, at least for a time?

10. The Silver Birch outside 34 Pemberton Road is said to be in decline with decayed branches in the canopy. This is a new planting, and we cannot see the matters complained of. A number of newly planted trees have perished (see below). If the tree is in fact distressed, could you please consider methods of treatment and could you also consider whether a pattern is emerging with regard to newly planted trees. Are there precautions which should be taken when they are planted and which are not being taken?

11. The Cherry outside 42 Mattison Road. Why not try removing the main branch and applying suitable paint/preservative? It may buy some time, at least.

12. The Hornbeam on Tancred Road, opposite 34 Endymion Road is said to have outgrown its current location. In our view, the crown should be reduced so as to prevent branches from touching the adjacent building, but otherwise we would retain it.

The newly planted trees which are now dead (see above) are located opposite 37 Frobisher Road and between 78 and 80 Beresford Road. It would be helpful if you could check to see what went wrong and if you could consider whether a claim might be made against any outside contractors who were responsible for planting or maintaining these saplings.”

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Good grief. They quite plainly just want to cut down trees to save on maintenance costs.

I don't suppose anyone is teaching the knife wielding youth of Tottenham how to climb trees and use a chainsaw are they? The guys who've done mine have always been young middle class dope smokers.

They said "Naturally, the direction to fell should be lifted from these trees. We would also be grateful if you could check the status of the trees on Cavendish Road which are said to be dead but which we have not been able to check."

No Karen, that's their job, not yours. My blood is starting to boil!

Karen, if you look at my post here (right at the bottom of the page), you'll see that following my correspondence with Clare, she has already 'reprieved' the first four trees you have listed. In your second group, she has also 'reprieved' nos 7, 10 and 11.

I'll be interested to see the response regarding the other trees. I welcome this sort of active work by councillors on the residents' behalf. Thank you. Looking forward to lots more of the same!

Thanks Hugh - we weren't aware of that!  Seems if we all work together we can achieve lots.

It's not easy to keep up with everything on HoL. Within the time I have available, I do my best to make it as easy as it can be. This HoL help page may be of use. (By way of an example, you'll see that under your original post, this thread is now tagged with trees. It'll narrow your search on tree related stuff on HoL considerably).

I agree. In this current political climate I was beginning to despair of ever having my voice heard again. However I feel the residents of Haringey, HOL and the local councillors have won a small victory. The reprieve of even a few trees is worthwhile. Unfortunately the beautiful cherry tree outside my house did not survive the cull but I understand there are others in Lothair Road North and the surrounding roads that have, or at the very least there fate is being reconsidered.

Can I add that a dog owner(s) is encouraging it's dog to gnaw at at least half a dozen young trees on Frobisher Rd, bottom half of the road. Lots of damage. These trees do not have wire guards around them. They need installing as the trees with them have been left alone. Thank you.

Matt are you sure the gnawing is not down to deer?

I had thought possibly a wandering black bear but others quickly discounted that theory.

Thanks for letting me know, Matt. I've emailed council officers and asked them to protect these trees as you suggest.

David Schmitz,

Lib Dem Councillor for Harringay Ward

Thanks David. Nice to have one of the local councillors reply.

Thank you Karen for putting all this effort into this. I'm really shocked to see how many cases there are which don't correspond to the Council claims, and will be very interested to see how they respond.



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