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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As I write, a tree is currently being felled in Umfreville Road  to enable the paving of the footway to be completed.  The contractors could not lay the paving stones flat because of the roots.  I am shocked at the destruction of a mature and healthy tree for cosmetic purposes and wonder how many other trees will be felled  for this reason. There is a larger tree further up Umfreville Raod which will probably meet the same fate. And what about the mature plane trees lining Burgoyne Road? If the paving process moved on to the next road? Are these all to be felled as well??

I was about to ring the number on the notice attached to the tree to suggest that  an alternative approach be considered but heard the chain saw in action so it is now too late for this tree. Having just tried to ring the two numbers provided on the notice, one is not recognised and the other is not answered and doesn't have voice mail. 

I have seen elsewhere in Haringey that large trees have been surrounded by a patch of tarmac that can accommodate any uneveness due to surface roots. This seems to be a much better solution to the problem of uneven surface roots.

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Was it a Council notice? Do you have a close-up view of it or a larger version of your original image?

Sorry - I thought I had uploaded it. Here it is. 



Thanks. Well, it is what it is, I’m afraid. Once a decision to remove a tree is taken, it’s pretty much final. Most removals happen because of disease or insurance related complaints. I don’t know if the offending roots could have been safely trimmed back. You could ask Clare the question. As for policy, you’d need to get one of our concilllors on board. 

Try contacting

Clare Pappalardo
Senior Arboricultural Officer Haringey Council
Email is clare.pappalardo@haringey.gov.uk



My view is its being removed as a threat to footway

As roots are damaging pavements

Trees on footways are good to reduce pollution.                                                                                               But can lead to footway being damaged over the years as their root ball grows

Biggest footway hazard is paving slabs 

Biggest joke is Wood Green High Road

Took ages and in many cases is now worse than last lot laid. Movement and flooding

"There is a larger tree further up Umfreville Road..."

That tree (also a large and fast-growing ash like the one felled today) doesn't narrow the footway quite as much as the felled tree, nor is the pavement vertical distortion anywhere near as as acute. And I think the repaving stops just short of it - not all the road length is to be done, just the Green Lanes end of it, both sides, as far as/level with no. 41. So your other tree should survive.

Yes, I was surprised when I saw the tree surgeons - thought it was just pollarding initially [ although wrong time of the year] . always a shame when mature trees have to go - only good thing was I got a couple of branches for spoon making - happy whittling 

Spoon-making sounds interesting.......

Start with a hatchet, rough out shape, sharp knife, gouge ( for the bowl) then sand  - also experimenting with blow torch as a way of carving the bowl.


Umfreville’s largest tree is to be felled to make way for new paving slabs. I’ve written to the council cc Zena. This policy is short-sighted and shows total ignorance of our climate crisis. Please, please complain if you can!

London Tree Officers Association website has some interesting material related to our urban trees ... might be of use? [https://www.ltoa.org.uk/]

... and on Twitter: @LTOA33 [https://twitter.com/LTOA33?s=21]



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