Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

There's been a good old chinwag about the ugliest buildings in Haringey, Howsabout turning things on their head and seeking out the very best new architecture and developments we have to offer.

The timing would be about right since a competition to find the very best in architecture, planning and development in the capital has just been launched by NLA - the centre for London's built environment.

The categories are:

Homes: From home extensions and individual houses to residential developments and social housing, the best examples of new places for people to live.

Offices: Exemplary places of work that meet the needs of businesses, technology and the individual – from a home office in the garden to the headquarters of an international bank.

Education: Educational establishments of all kinds – nurseries, schools, academies, universities – where design improves the learning experience.

Health: Health facilities that improve the well-being of their users, from local clinics to major new hospitals.

Hotels: Projects that enhance the overnight offer for tourists and business people staying in the capital.

Retail: From malls to markets, shops, restaurants and bars; well-designed projects that improve London’s shopping offer and enhance its local centres and high-streets.

Culture & community: Museums, art galleries and theatres to community buildings such as libraries and youth centres – places that attract or provide services to local visitors and tourists.

Public Places: New spaces, rediscovered spaces and parts of London that have been given new life by some TLC to the public realm, be it improvements to streets, squares or parks.

Sport & Play: Sports and play facilities of all kinds from Olympic stadia to cricket pavilions, leisure centres and local playgrounds.

Transport & Infrastructure: Transport projects and related architecture that both enhance the experience of moving around the city and add to the quality of the environment, and infrastructure projects – water, waste, energy, SUDS – that will help London work more efficiently and sustainably.

Conservation & Retrofit: The restoration and reuse of buildings of all kinds; be it historic restorations, contemporary insertions or recycled buildings where efficient use is made of existing fabric and embodied energy.

Masterplans: Plans that demonstrate placemaking at its best – from-mixed use developments
to area-wide regeneration.

The Temporary: A special one-off category for 2012 recognising buildings and installations with a limited timespan.

Full details on the NLA website

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My front garden is looking fab

Seems like we've jogged the Council's memory. Today they've added a posted about the third Haringey design awards. So you can kill two birds with one stone now and suggest your favourite Haringey spot for two awards at the same time.



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