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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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Damn them. I liked that stump. Did you get time to rescue the bulbs?

Yes I did get the daffodils, they carefully pulled them out before hacking up the stump

Is he praying to the stump goddess before committing sacrilege? How courteous!

Grey... at least the old ones were black.

Grey, and also quite industrial looking, at least the old ones had round poles with knobs on. Here's what they used to look like (from StreetView)

...could have done something like this for a similar cost:

For a brief moment Ant I thought the man on his knees was you! Sorry that has gone.

They've got an edible bus stop vibe thingameedoohickey going on down in South London. How about and edible guard rail?

The pocket park scheme is running again now, and that funds that type of thing. Would need to be quick as applications close March 10, and need to find some match fundng, but with £40k could probably make this a safe and attractive spot.   

It is really sad. I loved the stump. It cheered me up every time I saw what you did with it.

And the railings? Why? What was wrong with the black ones?

There are things I will never understand. 

There were some lovely old railings with the finials on, outside our local school and opposite a pub. They were very popular with cyclist who were visiting the pub. One day, the council decided to have them painted only to take them down a week later and put in three concrete bollards instead. There was a bit of a rebellion as now the cyclists had nowhere to chain their bikes to. So the council installed some bicycle rails for the job a few yards away. Then the council in their wisdom took the three bollards away an re-installed new, industrial style railings. This all happened in the space of three weeks. What a waste of time and money.

It's the pits, isn't it? Just when you get some lovingly nurtured guerilla gardening, the Council, with its characteristic lack of imagination and appreciation of benign community endeavour, sends in the boot boys to eradicate it. This happened to us - after 2 years of tenderly growing ivy up an abandoned metal pole, the pot and plant were removed and the embarrassed, operative, who phoned his glorious leader, said that she confirmed that he must remove the planting and was therefore 'only obeying orders'. Guerilla gardening is a community asset and should be encouraged with co-operation from the Council, not blanket bureaucratic incomprehension. I shall miss that really lovely planted log by Ducketts Common.

I grew up with that tree virtually outside our  house (number 86 Frobisher) so if it is the same tree it was 60 odd years young....



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