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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The People of Haringey have made their horrendous mistake. After a week's reflection, why haven't they all resigned in shame?

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Cheers TBD.

Savaging them probably led to them being salvaged! I guess they want to destroy from within? Who knows. But there should be different parties and people of all hues and opinions otherwise it just aint a democracy. Our nation meant to pride itself on allowing wide range of views, opinions etc. A strong tree bends in the wind.  

Our nation shouldnt be proud of a party with ignorant, xenophobic views at all. My grandfathers who fought in ww2 would turn in their graves. UKIP are the BNP and EDL in a nicer suit and a comic face. Pint anyone? As if Farage has ever drunk a pint in his life!  Anyone who voted for them are frankly thick as s***t. 

I'm not going to say anymore than before that a strong democracy can and should contain wide and diverse views and cultures that some people will find offensive. If you are worried about UKIP and those who voted for it, we are not that secure in our democracy. We allow far left, far right, religious views of all sorts (some extreme) etc. That is the nature of a liberal democracy and free speech. Xenophobia is bad but trying to ignore it, not speak about it and the different forms it takes (not just from white people, it works in all directions) and to just label those who are xenophobic as thick as S*** etc. won't make it go away. IQ probably doesn't have much to do with it. 

HaHa! IQ has a lot to do with it, also fear. Sheeple are being told that they have to fear immigrants and be suspicious of Muslims all of the time by the media and politicians from all sides yet they are not questioning why. Did you see the press interviewing the good people of Rotherham? They couldnt articulate a reason for why they voted ukip apart from 'well, you know, theres too many of em. We dont like it' Of course ignoring the rise of the far right is not an option.

I'll have to wait for a social scientific survey to be conducted that explores links between voting preferences and IQ before I accept any links as fact/ proven anyway. Though even then I'd question the idea of IQ which has always been a biased test rather than really saying much about a person as a whole.

Shame that you pick on Rotherham- got some nice mates there. As for people being able, or not, to articulate why they vote for anyone, it's not always clear or well expressed across the board. Your use of the term 'sheeple' shows that you are happy to lump a lot of people together as 'thick' and easily led like children and once you start using those labels, reducing their humanity,  then you are using the same tactics as those you are criticising. 

But clearly we disagree. It's all good to have such discussions. If we all agreed we'd be living in a dictatorship! Have a good weekend! 

Ruth, I mentioned Rotherham as it's one of the only councils where UKIP won! I referred to a news item on Calender news where Rotherhamites were interviewed.Ask anyone who voted UKIP about their policies, they have no clue! I'm from a working class town just a bit further north on the MW and have friends in Rotherham too. Way too smart to vote UKIP though.

Yes, realised Rotherham got a UKIP council. Still not convinced that many people, when asked about any Party's policies, could be that clear or articulate about what they are.

But point taken and won't pester you or any other readers any further. Things will be different come the Gen Election I'm sure and we can have a good old natter after that! 

Funny - some people here seem to think Haringey voted in UKIP, BNP and EDL last Thursday. Check again and you'll find that, once more, you chose a much more dangerous though familiar beast as your pet for the next four years - and for the four years after that etc etc, probably for the rest of this century, as for the final third of the previous one.

And sorry, Sharon, Democracy was not invented between 1939 and 1945 - despite what foreign adventures your grandfathers may have got up to during those years. Anyone who's turning in his grave over little Nigel should maybe have chosen a nice cremation to begin with.

Can you not be mean and disrespecful about my dear old Grandads (RIP) Oh wise OAE.

UKIP are the BNP with a better front man. The media coverage accorded them by the BBC was incredible, they should be ignored.

Couldn't agree more!!

And London is a city of immigrants...great song by Steve Earle that I was introduced to this week if anyone gets a chance.

The Greens got my protest vote...I don't think they can do quite the same damage as UKIP.

However, I have to thank U KIP for the best laugh I' ve had in ages when a UKIP candidate objected them appearing last on the alphabetised ballot paper and objected because he thought it was a stitch-up!



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