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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Take that BNP!

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I don't understand :-(

Never mind

Interesting survey in the Guardian yesterday showing conflicting attitudes to 'multi-culturalism' and 'immigration' - despite being mostly happy to live in a multi-cultural society, people still saw immigration as a negative. So it's fine if someone's already here (particularly if they have athletic ability!), but they'd better not try and get in.

Did they break that that by geography? I'd be interested to know if those views held true for London.

London proved the exception to the rule.

Way more tolerant and accepting, as to be expected.

Also - unsurprisingly - young folk less bothered than pensioners by all this stuff.

Weird contradictions within the survey as well, like 68% or something said Britain was better as a patchwork of different cultures, but only 48% thought immigration has been positive. Go figure.


Asking me to describe somebody i'd met somewhere the other day i honestly replied i could not remember whether they were 'black' or 'white'. As soon as you identify and focus on someones skin colour, like it or not, you are being 'racist'.

Hmm. Not sure I agree. If some one asked me to point out Bob and he's the black man talking to two white men I would probably say "he's the black guy over there". The problem is when ethnicity is linked irrelevantly to negative things in order to make a connection between "bad" things and race.

So James if I say it was a man, I'm being sexist ?


It's not where they are from, it's how many altogether, including indigenous numbers. This little city is well populated already, there is a housing crisis that's hidden by the number of off-the-books HMO's, and we do have that little problem with unemployment. We import over half of our food.  So that may be where the anxiety over 'immigration' comes from. Space matters.

The planet can't sustain the 3x overuse it already suffers. One child per woman for a generation will ease it, as we have proven unable to do the utopian solution of more equitable distribution. 



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