Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

It might be good to organise a street party for the royal wedding. It's not especially royalist feeling, just it would be good to value our community for the day and maybe make everyone a bit more involved/invested in their environment (less litter, more pride etc).

I'm on Salisbury Road which I think is too much of a main bus route but some of the 'rungs' on the ladder could maybe be shut to traffic for the day, eg Alison Road (apologies to Alison Road residents - it was the first one I could think of!)

Any thoughts?

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The thought sets the hairs on the back on my neck on end, yikes!!!

I'm always up for a community organised street party - eg. the big lunch street party that HoLers organised on our road (Hewitt Rd) last year.

But defintely NOT a royal wedding street party please. I for one fail to see how the monarchy has any relationship with 'our community' beyond a parasitical one... Perhaps we could organise a street party hastily organised to commemorate Thatcher's demise, when it happens, instead??? Now there's a plan and im sure we could link Harringay up with numerous events in communities round the country for that one ;-)
That is a vile, mean-minded suggestion. We should not celebrate anyone's death.
Oh yes we should. I believe the term in english is "Dancing on his (or her!) grave".
Anti-Royalist English People's Socialist Republican Collective, time to declare yourselves a (Street) Party.
When Di married Charlie Windsor we held a "Don't Do It Di !" party in Clissold Park, unfortunately she did not take our advice, however it did mean that we were no where near the wall to wall TV coverage and hysteria going on in the rest of London. I'm with you OAE for the Anti-Royalist (not necessarily English) People's Republican Collective (street or park) Party, and happy to tag on some anti Thatcher sentiment too.
Maggie, I thought I'd better insert 'English' lest anyone might suspect me of importing my South Armagh Border sentiments, real, virtual, continuity or even provisional.
Oooh, any excuse for a party!

Maybe we could have two parties on parallel streets, one with the happy royalists waving union flags, one with the happy anti-royalists waving Don't do it Katy flags. Everyone gets a street party and no one needs to feel angry (aside from the people wanting to drive a massive truck fast over a speed bump outside my house.)

If we had the party on Falkland and Frobisher Roads, we could have the school playground as neutral territory for those who don't have a view on what type of flag to wave and even share our sandwiches :)
I'm with you Pip.

Although I think there's a third party to be had which is one based on indifference and inertia to the whole thing.
I realise now how stupid I was trying to get people together to do something positive in Harringey. It seems the only response I've had have been facetious trolls who don't have anything constructive to contribute. I won't bother trying to do anything for the community again if this is the attitude. Can't you understand this is not about the monarchy this is about trying to get neighbours to talk to each other and value our community for once? Discussion closed.



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