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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I'm not sure whether this has been shared elsewhere on HOL - can't see it in a search but...

We have recently received a note through our front door that the St Ann's Low Traffic Neighbourhood will be implemented on 22 August.

This is a heads-up for anyone living in or driving through the area between West Green Road and St Ann's Road.  There will no longer be a direct route between the two major roads unless you are a bus or have a 'X2' exemption pass. 

Woodlands Park Road, Black Boy Lane, Cornwall Road and Avenue Road will all be closed to through traffic. 

The restriction points will be monitored by CCTV, so no doubt LBH will be issuing lots of PCNs!  Drivers beware!

I attach two documents, one a map of the area showing the traffic cells as they will be after implementation, and the other the supporting document.

Tags for Forum Posts: low traffic neighbourhoods, st anns ltn, traffic

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It's irrefutable.

"Minority ethnic people make up nearly half of populations in areas with very high NO2 or PM2.5 levels... Conversely, the areas with the cleanest air were the whitest, with fewer than one in 20 people from the areas with pollution within recommended levels hailing from a minority ethnic background."


But the St Ann's LTN has never been about air quality (otherwise they'd have data to back its implementation), or safety (no compelling data again), or 'being active'. It is simply about peace and quiet. When all other arguments have failed, that's the only justification left standing. It also applies in the overwhelming majority of streets in Haringey's other planned LTNs.

Those on the genuinely polluted streets can suck it up because the lobby wants peace and quiet.

The white fellas here will tell you it's just a remarkable coincidence that those who will now suffer even more are disproportionately brown. 

"Minority ethnic people make up nearly half", ummmm.... perhaps it's a bit lazy lumping them all together? If you were going to go for class, that might be easier.

Plenty of white people and schools on the ladder but that's always going to be a traffic hotspot.

It makes total sense to frame it like that, especially given the already well-documented relationship between ethnicity and economic wellbeing/deprivation.

The point that's being missed is that the ladder does not have a problem with traffic affecting its air quality. At least, not significant enough to warrant worsening the air quality of its neighbours. 

At commuting times, parts of the ladder stink of fumes. Lower down where it is shielded by the gardens the smell is different.

The easy nick for cyclists would be to pull the ones on e-bikes who have removed the speed limiters. I've had to jump aside from the ones powering up the Lea towpath doing about twice the 15mph limit. Where do they store their bikes?

Jp I heard the programme as well. 
The important thing is that the data/numbers (and primary reason for the LTNs) are floored.

I don’t see LBH changing anything for 18months or so at least, and maybe not even then.  

From 2006, when they closed off the gardens, there was a huge increase in traffic on the top of the ladder. Hewitt Rd had such a problem with people ratrunning that they had a no right-hand turn camera installed by the council. Weekday mornings there can be huge queues westbound.

Either we knock down houses and build more roads, or we drive less. It's a VERY simple choice, and LTNs are forcing us to drive less.

They are John,

but they still haven’t stopped Mercia and Anglia turning up on mass every morning.

Tollgate on Forest Road. Easy peasy.

Andy h — That’s why the solution has to start a) further out (eg the N Circular) and b) in co-ordination with other boroughs, TfL, DfT, GLA, etc. But nobody is doing this: it might cost real money, as opposed to the cist of CCTV and flower pots.

Don , I know. I’ve been advocating for congestion charges at the M25 ever since Ken Livingston asked the public for their opinion on the possibility of congestion charging 20 or 25 years ago. 
no one listened then,  no one is listening now. Hence we tie ourselves in knots and lock ourselves down in ever smaller boxes. 

John McMullen — So, by inference, now creating the St Ann’s and other LTNs will,push all the displaced traffic onto Green Lanes, West Green Road and St Ann’s Road — or possibly even down Endymion and Turnpike Lane into Stroud Green and Hornsey. Job done, I’d say — Not Our Problem. Brilliant solution!



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