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St Ann's & Harringay Area Forum - 1st July 2014 at 6.30pm Cyprus Kitchen, Green Lanes N8

Come and have your say about issues that affect you.

Agenda issues here


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More food for thought, James, is how the forums have been relating to the GLSG. In one area forum, a member of the GLSG who's also a leader of a local RA gave a presentation. In responding to a follow-up question, he replied with "That's a good question, but I'm sorry we can't make a decision at the moment. We'll have to refer it up to the GLSG". "refer it up" for me was very telling. It was an unguarded moment which showed how the GLSG was seen by some of its RA members as well as by the councillors as the 'senior' local body and THE way to get things done in Harringay. So where did that leave the AF? If the local power brokers weren't committed to it, what were its chances of being anything other that a poor man's talking shop? Let me be clear, I'm not knocking the GLSG nor the individuals; they were just recognising what had come to pass, probably by accident rather than design.

I understand that following the resignation of the GLSG, local democracy in Harringay has recently had a sort of Granita moment. So this issue may become live again and I think the relationship between the area forum and any GLSG MkII is critical. In my view, unless we're aiming at a bicameral set-up, we ought to concentrate local democracy in one body in which everyone is invested. Whether that's an area forum, an area committee, an area assembly or a council-led strategy group ought to be seriously debated.

Hi Hugh
I think this is one of the most important points. The meetings I have attended I certainly saw a conflation of issues with the GLSG. Your point about digital media is useful as I have been thinking about how this can be used to contribute to the agenda so that we can ensure that the issues discussed include the most pressing concerns of residents. Finsbury Park for example is on the agenda because as well as talking to people there was so much on here about how residents felt about the issue. We also need to be sure that we are really reaching out to the widest possible audience. I think that there are so many residents in the two wards who really don't have a voice whether its through the forum, consultations, RA's the traders association or social media. Its always a challenge but I think its something we have to take on. Speaking to residents over the last few years I have really sensed the need to be a bit more creative with engagement methods. 

Karen - you and I have voices that are heard loud and clear whether as councillors or party members. Its really important that the council gets to hear and respond to questions from people who don't have those mechanisms.

OAE - the refreshments menu is the same wherever the meeting is held and not provided by the venue, But do let me know next time whether you prefer bourbons or custard creams and I will bring a stash in my bag

Harringay Ward Councillor

My allusion, as you know Emine, was to the Kober Kitchen Kabinet and its local wannabees thinking that, by presiding over a "Forum" or "Assembly" or whatever they'll think of next, they are engaging in genune local democracy. As you say,  the refreshments menu is the same wherever the meeting is held. There is nothing refreshed or refreshing about it, whether held in the Kibrisi/Kyprou Mutfak/Kouzina, orthodox Church hall, Sally Army, or the local schools. Participation by your three Question-Marked Councillor Neighbours is scarcely about to refresh the democratic deficit of future Fora/Assemblies/Covens on the Harringay/St Anns border.

But as Phil says, let's hear what you and James are about to bring to the democratic table, so that at least some of us can begin to see Harringay Ward Labour as something other than a long-running joke. If you've followed Hugh's tags, below the OP, you'll both find all the feedback you need. Don't ask us to regurgitate any more - it wouldn't be pleasant.

Refreshments !  The TottnmGreen/TottnmHale/7Sisters meetings are in the room above the swimming pool at the leisure centre.  For refreshment, we breathe in a healthy dose of damp chlorinated air, thus cleansing all our passages for free.

The giant fans - aircon? heating? that do a little number every few minutes are music to all our ears; if those ears don't quite function properly any more, the hum of power talk buzzing round the room gets kind of syncopated.

There is probably not a worse meeting room in the world.  Or the borough /*concedes/

Time to take back the Town Hall.

Oh stop pulling your punches and say what you really think, Phil.



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