Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

We've got the possibility of a place at South Harringay Infant School. Any parents have any thoughts or experiences they'd care to share? Same for the Junior school too I guess, though it's the Infants we'd be going into.

Thanks in advance!

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Juniors and Infants can be very different experiences. From what I remember of the schools, this is a bit of a humble brag. Take the place.

I've just been through this & visited most of the primary schools in the area. The only one I didn't like was Harris at Downhills.

Would you be willing to say what you didn't like about Harris Philip Lane? I am doing the rounds over the next few weeks. 

Both my kids have been right through South Harringay and loved it. Great teachers, well run, friendly, local, etc. Can't recommend it enough.

If this is your nearest school then I would put it as your first choice regardless.  It makes life easier for your child, and you as a parent, for a number of reasons.

I think that SHS, North Harringay and Chestnuts (as the three nearest schools) are all much of a muchness. They each have a wide range of children from all ethnic backgrounds and ranges of ability, and each does the best by the kids under their care. I think something like 50-60 languages are spoken by the children at South Harringay as a first language to put it into context. Each struggles on with the realities of an ever tightening financial support regime. The reality of pretty much most schools in London though is that your child will do well as London schools have really lifted their game.

Both my kids went to South Harringay (my youngest is in the juniors) and I think that that the school has done really well by them despite the challenges touched on above. The head has been there a long time and has consistently run a supportive and focused school, in fact he inherited a bit of a mess when he took the juniors originally and he worked hard to turn the school around.

We took the view that its is primary level education, and really the school made little difference as long as they did not harm as so much of a child's development is about their home life and friendship groups. So, if you had a good feel about the place go with your gut.

Yes I agree with everything Justin says here. Although my children went to Chestnuts and were very happy there. I did like the diversity. It helps to get involved if you can, I know the PSAs at the local schools always need more volunteers.

I read something recently saying Ofsted are going to change their focus away from basing their ratings only on the year 6 sats and looking at the effectiveness of the school as a whole. I really hope this happens because my daughter had a miserable year 6 last year.

Like Justin, I would try not to worry too much about primary level education.

I also agree with Justin and Julie's points but would emphasise that local schools are best for children's friendship groups as well parent/carer friendship and support groups which can include anything from  playdates to sleepovers etc (apologies for the terminology)

It's not meant to belittle your concerns, it is an ongoing process when you have children; even  looking at post A Level choices is anxiety inducing!



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