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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

SNT Response to "Harringay & St Ann's Wards Make it to Number 3 & 4 in London's Burglary Hotspots List"

(Note from Site Admin: This post was made following an article in the Evening Standard referenced here).


From the 29/03/07 - 29/03/08 our Ward has been running at and average of 14 residential burglaries a month.
Figs for 04-05.......... 297
05-06.......... 192
06-07.......... 222
07-08.......... 192

Figures before this are archived and I havn`t got access to them. However I have been The Beat officer for this Ward for a number of years prior to Safer Neighbourhoods (SN) and have compiled burglary stats on a monthly basis for the LCSP. We used to run at between 20/25 burglaries a month.

The attached xls Shows all burglaries, all residential burglaries,
population, number of households, number of owner occupiers and the number of residential burglaries per 1,000 head of population (Population stats taken from the Council Web Site).

As stated on a monthly basis I have looked at these stats for the LCSP. Not just numbers but in the past prior to SN looked at the burglaries individually for crime prevention/intelligence purposes.

I can say that at least 70% of burglaries were either mult-occ prems, landlord properties with poor security, where occupiers have just had yale locks without chubbs, or have left doors or windows open.

The attached xls relates to all Wards on the `EAST `side of the Borough

Tags for Forum Posts: burglary, crime, housing

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Thanks for this info, Glyn. I take back my comment about the SNT not 'biting' :)
I wonder how we can persuade landlords and occupants of mult-occ prems to be more secure?
That was the reason we counted door bells/buzzers. To knock at them offering crime prevention help etc. Also get EDF and the LFB along re safety.
Those that turn out not to be HMO`s, not much time lost knocking.

We`ve also had some feedback from that list as well as to further premises that are believed to be HMO`s that were not on our list.

And feedback about one that is on our list that is not an HMO : )
Just been flicking through a copy of the Green Party paper pushed through my door and there is a suggestion in this paper that if SNTs had the resources to patrol around the clock that burglary and other crime would be reduced by half. It quoted a pilot scheme in Fulham that claims to have cut residential burglaries by 52%. Wonder if this makes sense or is a bit of party electioneering?



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