Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Is it just me or is anyone else sick of the same thing:

I am sick of paying taxes only to see my roads covered in litter, bins overflowing, people speeding like mad down every road, people cycling on the pavements like no one cares, and cctv only being used to fine people who have parked incorrectly, rather than being used to do some good. I am also SICK of signs plastered everywhere, I wish they would just do the job and stop talking about it (or wasting money on signs).

They are also turning Wood Green high street into nothing but a string of betting shops and pound lands.

What I am most sick of is paying taxes only to see the woman 3 doors down from me, living on benefits and having her drug dealer visit every other day. Great use of council funds!

Who are they working for and who do they answer to?

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Ha Ha, I wish!

(Benefits are not paid from the council tax.)

Haringey Council is most definitely NOT a Corbyn council but is in fact quite right wing. Perhaps you might apply to the Daily Mail for a job...this is the kind of smear they like to put out. The real opposition on the Council comes from a small group of Corbyn councillors....But the real culprit is Central Government which has slashed local authority funding to the bone but insists councils carry the can for it.

Here is the council's best spend yet:


These "refugees" get to bypass the immigration system, have no known skill to offer and are a terrorism risk (this is what ISIS has claimed and I am merely restating this). We've seen how well this sort of programme has worked in Germany and Sweden and even here Mayor Con has said "hey, just get used to terrorism".  Bravo!


Meanwhile I have to spend out of pocket about £10k to obtain visas for foreign nationals that have skills the country can really use (for the betterment of the economy) and no issues with speaking, reading or writing English. 

PS If these costs aren't a council spend or 100% a council spend, I don't care--whether the government spending is some agency or the council, the money all comes from the same trough. 

These refugees have experienced more suffering than you will ever understand, I think it is disgraceful that we have not had any Syrian refugees yet and I welcome them.

What kind of skills are you having to import?

Knavel, have I understood you correctly; you're citing ISIS as the source for some of the facts you use in setting out your position? Am I right?

Wait, have we specifically requested refugees with no English or transferable skills?

Whenever they interview a Syrian refugee on the radio they are always educated, skilled, middle class people with excellent English.

Perhap you would have been one of those who would have denied Jews fleeing from Nazi Germany entry?Certainly the media then were every bit as bigoted then as they are now...blaming immigrants and complaining about 'swarms of Jews' (Daily Mail) I think you know little or nothing about the legal status of refugees. As for 'terrorists' we have just had an MP(Jo Cox) murdered by a homegrown terrorist. Hardly surprising when the media constantly harp on about the evils of immigration and ignore the real culprits...corporate tax dodging, vicious and unnecessary cuts to public spending.

I just read a wonderful story about a taxi driver in Wellington, NZ who after Sunday's earthquake and tsunami warning made sure his family were ok then busied himself taking blankets to evacuated people then driving around town picking up people who were walking home, free of charge.

The man had originally come to NZ as a refugee, fleeing Pol Pot's regime.  There are some wonderful stories of refugees integrating well in NZ - though many refugees were left homeless and traumatised after the Christchurch quakes.

Many people, not just recent refugees, were left homeless after the Christchurch earthquake! I don't like this story quite so much. I'm from Wellington and it put me off using taxis. It's Wellington too so, you can walk anywhere.

Yes including my brother and his wife.  But I do feel very sympathetic to the refugees who thought they had come to a place of safety only to be uprooted again.  I can imagine all of the trauma coming flooding back.

London, safely occupied (as far as natural disasters are concerned anyway) for thousands of years. New Zealand, not so much.

Relatives on FB are up all night posting about another big aftershock and how they can't sleep. There's also been a huge storm and a Tornado. I want to tell them that this is because God is an All Blacks fan and he's giving them a taste of what will happen to them if they lose to Ireland again this weekend.

Anyway, surely the argument about "paying my taxes" etc and expecting "service" has been eloquently and politely repudiated somewhere on the internets?



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