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If this Planning Decision letter i just received is not a figment of my imagination, looks like our beloved Wards Corner Market building is to be lovingly restored.....!! HOOOORAYYYYYY!  Well done everyone involved and those who supported the plans to restore a landmark heritage site to improve the face of Seven Sisters forever ... And THANK YOU to the Council for listening to US, the COMMUNITY !!!! :)

(letter below).

Dear Sir/Madam

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995
Location: 231-243 High Road N15 5BT

Our ref: HGY/2014/0575

Proposal: Restoration of the existing market and corner building bringing 2150m2 of derelict space into A1, A2, A3 and B1 use, installation of bay windows to the front, dormer windows to the front and rear, reinstatement of chimneys, replacement of existing shop-fronts to the front of the market with new glazed facade, improvements to the public realm to the front of the market, new glazed rear doors added to the rear, new DDA compliant access to the first and second floor, reintroduction of internal light-wells from the first to ground floor and insulation of building to increase thermal efficiency

I am writing to inform you that after taking into consideration relevant planning policies and the comments of local residents the Council has on 25/04/2014, GRANTED planning permission for the above proposal.  The officer’s report and decision notice can be viewed at www.haringey.gov.uk/planning using the above reference number.

Yours faithfully

Emma Williamson

Head of Development Management

Planning Service

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Hate to pour cold water on this but Planning Permission is just that - permission to go ahead. You still have to own the building and have the funds to do the work ( or persuade the current owner to implement your plans )

Maybe you do have that sorted out - I hope you do and good luck anyway.

I'm not personally involved, only a member of the community who has been in favour of the restoration since the get-go. I understand your point, there will be yet another long journey ahead, but this position is at least some progress since this time last year.  Therefore i still feel it is something to be celebrated and shared.

John is right. The planning process disregards current ownership. Permission is transferable to a new owner (some sites are sold "with planning permission for X"). Apparently, a single site can have more than one planning permission. This is a limited, technical decision, a step forward, a step that can and should be built on.

am a prospective councillor candidate
Highgate Ward | Liberal Democrat Party

Whether or not the second planning permission has any effect appears to depend on Grainger's plans and who is talking to them.  I imagine as well that Grainger will  be waiting to see the result of the local elections and the make-up of the Council.

In the meantime, Developer wolves are hungrily circling round and eyeing-up Tottenham Hale, Northumberland Park and hundreds of sites across Tottenham and elsewhere in Haringey.  Enthusiastically aided and abetted by the Council's Muswell Hill Colonial Administration and its social cleansing and gentrification plans.

It seems to me that the focus on "Saving" Wards Corner has been a gift for Cllrs Claire Kober, Joe Goldberg and Alan Strickland.  It drew energy and attention away from their so-called regeneration plans.  In reality, the Stuart Lipton Tory plan which pretends to 'solve' the problems of Tottenham by blaming and then displacing its people. Especially those who live on Council-owned estates or other "social housing".  As has happened elswhere in London and in other cities, they are seen by both the Tories and the Koberite Tories-lite as the  problem.

Development "Masterplans" now being taken through the planning process will constrain and constrict future opposition to contentious planning decisions.  As well as blighting specific areas which have been "redlined" as ripe for demolition and social cleansing by our Council leaders.

The PR puffery in the Evening Standard on Wednesday 23 April followed the usual pattern. The article is headed:  Regeneration is the goal and this place scores.  The Standard says the Council is hoping "to put the past to rest". It describes the "new Spurs Stadium is at the heart of plans to put the troubles in the past".

Except of course that it isn't and it won't.  Because the rehashed package gives no indication that the Kober Kabal have learned anything at all from the failed old ideas;  nor from the riot.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor  1998-2014 )

It drew energy and attention away from their so-called regeneration plans

Not sure I agree Alan; it assumes that there was energy and attention that was already directed at regeneration plans, whereas this big abstract intention was only of interest to a small number.

I would characterise  Wards Corner as providing a tangible focus for attention and the Communty Coalition, as generating new energy that inevitably will transfer in part to the wider issue of Tottenham regeneration.

This regeneration has got off to a dubious start, with the Council contingent traveling to the south of France in order to meet developers—and which jaunt was paid for in part by developers. It doesn't look right. It appears as a tainted beginning.

am a prospective councillor candidate
Highgate Ward | Liberal Democrat Party

First of all I think that this is a good first step and gives legitimate ammunition to push forward the alternative option to the developer led scheme. Now you have a scheme which the planners of the borough - the custodians of the built environment - have assessed on a number of levels (POLICY...etc) and deemed it worthy of approval. 

Now you need to get in front of the landowner and make your case for viability. Do you feel that viability can be successfully demonstrated? Are you in a position to meet with the landowners?

More importantly how do you intend to combat the developer led approach? A large developer will not step aside so easily and no doubt if they can afford to appoint a large design consultancy they can also afford expensive planning consultants and legal advisers to rebut your approach and talk up theirs. Therefore you need to be watertight. 

Good luck and well done.

PS: Similar issue at Smithfields described in link and attachment:


And here in Spitalfields: http://spitalfieldslife.com/2014/04/17/victory-for-east-end-preserv...


I've tried to find the officer report on the webpage but can't see it listed as such. I tried to download the combined documents pdf but get a "server out of memory error".

Is there any suggestion that the planning officers have gone any further than simply deciding there are no material planning grounds for turning it down?

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

How much further could they go ?

Robert Pike says that presented with the "community" Wards Corner planning application: "the planners of the borough - the custodians of the built environment - have assessed on a number of levels (POLICY...etc) and deemed it worthy of approval."

I've never come across this on the few occasions I was a substitute on the Planning Committee and read the committee papers, or watched a meeting. But as I can't find the relevant document on the delegated decision I was hoping somebody could help me find this "deeming".


As I think I've written before, fetishising Wards Corner seems to me like the three pigs debating the merits of straw, wood and bricks while the developer wolves circle round hungrily.

But this could succeed. The story is retold in other versions. Including a children's book: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs as told by the wolf. And of course the very funny prize-winning Guardian ad.

In my imagined version the wolf developers finally despair of the endlessly argumentative little pigs and leave them alone for ever.  Instead doing a deal with the Mayor of Torytown to buy up all the surrounding land and build factory farms and highrise slaughterhouses.

THE Wards Corner site may be relatively small in area, but it occupies a prominent site above a London Tube Station. Alan, I think you underrate the Wards Corner campaign. The symbolism value is high. You wouldn't get scores of people linking hands and surrounding "regeneration plan" documents, as you did around this physical site.

BTW, I find the planners' phrase "deeming" to be somewhat pompous, even condescending.

The focus and determination of the Wards Corner Campaign is to be congratulated.

am a prospective councillor candidate
Highgate Ward | Liberal Democrat Party

Alan, I'm not sure that the "energy and attention" you say was drawn away from regeneration plans, ever existed, if you meant energy and attention of the general public.

I think you were suggesting the energy and attention existed amongst the average member of the populace, whereas I suspect the average person would find regeneration plan documents to be boring, dry, bureaucratic.

The symbolic value of Wards Corner is high and I believe that the Ward Corner Campaign has made more people aware of what the Council is doing and planning on doing, to their community. I think by focusing on one (important) site, they've raised the profile of all so-called regeneration.

The evidence for this is the good attendence (90?) at the regeneration consultation meeting at CONEL that we attended where, out of many speakers in the audience, not one spoke in favour of the Council's plans.

am a prospective councillor candidate
Highgate Ward | Liberal Democrat Party

I apologise as a non-believer for my intrusion into the religious ceremonies of the worshippers of St Wards of the Corner.



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