Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

MY attention has been drawn to the answer to a resident's Freedom of Information question, about the salaries paid to Haringey's senior staff.


Please supply a list of the job title and the salary for each of the
highest ten salaries paid to your employees, as from 18th April, 2016.

Please also supply the number of people employed in the "Senior Management Team," and the sum total of their salaries, also as from 18th April 2016

My response is as follows:

The top 10 positions are as follows:

Chief Executive £191,318.00
Deputy Chief Executive £153,472.00
Chief Operating Officer £153,472.00
Director of Regeneration, Planning & Dev £148,672.00
Director of Childrens Services £126,200.00
Assistant Director for Human Resources £126,200.00
Director of Adult Social Services £126,200.00
Tottenham Programme Director £120,000.00
Director of Public Health £112,269.00
AD for Commercial & Operations £112,200.00

The Council has an Executive Management team made up of the Chief
Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer and the
Director of Regeneration, Planning & Development. The total annual salary
for these posts is £646,934.00.



Haringey Councillor
Liberal Democrat Party

Tags for Forum Posts: Council, Haringey, Salaries, adult social care, top 10, top ten

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I'd attend Alan.
For those of you who might be interested, here is the Haringey Pay Policy Statement which is required to be published by law.
In the interests of balance the link below takes you to the LibDem controlled Sutton Council's Pay Policy statement which for some reason doesn't actually give details of who is paid what.

In these days of council budgets being slashed left right and centre, these salaries can hardly be justified, can they? Should they be private sector salaries, they would be nobody's business (but the shareholders' maybe), but these are public funds we're talking about. As street cleaning is being significantly diminished, as a council tax payer I do find these salaries a bit obscene...

But surely private sector salaries are paid from their income, which in turn is derived from the money you and I have to give them to purchase their goods and services?

Maybe so, but that's optional. Council tax isn't (unfortunately, as I don't feel I'm getting my money's worth lately ;)

I don't thinking eating, paying for rent, gas, electricity and so on is that optional!

I don't buy for one second the argument that they'd earn considerably more in the private sector, as if they're gracing us with their generous presence in the public sector. As I said earlier, their job seems to currently consists of cutting off as many services as possible and selling off as many public assets as they can, so not exactly rocket science and definitely not value for public money...

Remember the bonfire of the Quangos that the Tories promised when they were elected in 2010? That was at the behest of their private sector employer friends who were balking at the salaries that were being paid there. Sometimes the difference was as little as 10% more than what they were willing to pay. You're on the same side as those private sector employers when you rail against high salaries, public or private sector.

I imagine the buy-to-let slumlords of Tottenham do a lot better for much less tax and opportunity for disclosure (not to mention work).

The comparisons with the Prime Minister's salary are a bit misleading.

He gets a large rent-free house in a prime central -London site; rental value must be about £500,000 pa. He also has the use of a massive country house, again rent free. Not forgetting free and often chauffeured transport.

I suspect Clive posted this as a dog whistle for people who hate council workers.,Fortunately the majority of respondents have seen it for what it is.
Quite so. And life post PM is so often paved with gold as Mr T Blair amply illustrates

Actually the only "dog whistle"  here is by Start Matheson who claims to have "seen it for what it is".  Namely a message "for people who hate council workers".  Which seems to me a rather nasty and unjustified ad hominem personal attack on the motivation of Clive Carter in posting this link.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog-whistle_politics

I won't pretend I've had a substantive discussion with Cllr Clive Carter on the issue. But I think I know him well enough to say he does not "hate Council workers".  Such a comment is simply unfair and inaccurate. Clive Carter is doing what some other respondents to this discussion are doing, which is to draw attention to the gap in pay and conditions between top and bottom.

A concern I share.
And these days the concern extends far more widely. Including to the privatised staff working in former Council services. What I have discussed with Clive is the impact on service users. Especially when the drive to contract-out services leads to situations like the recently highlighted home care scandals where frontline staff have been expected to complete work without either paid travel time or proper scheduling between their fifteen or thirty minutes appointments.

I haven't yet read but am looking forward to Professor Robert Putnam's "Our Kids" where the author of the classic "Bowling Alone"  looks at deep and growing inequality in U.S. Society.  It joins the many shelves of new research, articles and books about inequality and its consequences.  There's Nobel Economist Joseph Stiglitz for instance on "The Price of Inequality".
Rapidly worsening in our own society too, with at least some similar consequences. For instance in health. I suggest people take time to read our own Professor Michael Marmot. Or watch him on Youtube.
So please let's discuss these issue seriously, and not in personal attacks.



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