Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I had an email today suggesting a slight change to the wording ofHoL's email notification emails.

I have a suggestion about HOL discussion update emails. As you know the subject line starts with the name of the person, e.g. 'Chris replied to the discussion "XYZ" on Harringay Online'.

What happens is that each reply gets treated by email software as a separate thread grouped by the poster's name rather than being grouped by discussion. Obviously one needs to visit the website to actually read the fresh reply but I wonder if some people are being put off by the clutter.

My suggestion is that if the subject only said "There's a new reply on the discussion "XYZ" on Harringay Online", the emails in everyone's inbox would be nicely grouped by discussion though at the cost of the poster's name in the subject line.

My first reaction to it was 'great idea'! Then I checked out the technical aspects of it and it is possible. However I started wondering if it would be a shame to lose the name of comment author. (I checked and although the name is also provided in the body of the email, it is generated by the same piece of code. So losing it in the Email header wold also mean losing it in the body of the email).

Any thoughts?

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"I see what you did there" = "You were being very subtle and I spotted the subtext!".

I don't think you saw what Alan did there :D

Ha ha ha! Very good.

Subtle subtext? What on earth have I written now without noticing?  I can't even spell 'subtleties' without looking it up.

But I did find the phrase "I see what you did there", with Google. It's a quote from a U.S. TV series.

So what used to be known as a catchphrase has now been poshed-up with the Greek-sounding non-word 'meme'. 



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