Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

There is a plan to have various vigils around the country in Sarah Everard's memory, and for women's right to be safe on any street, at any time. One of these will be in Priory Park tomorrow (Saturday 13th) at 5pm. 

I think there is a dispute with the police as to whether these vigils can go ahead because of Covid, and they are planning to have an emergency hearing at the high court later today. If it goes ahead, masks and social distance will be emphasised. 

More information at reclaimthesestreets.com

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On the TV footage you could clearly see a group of men in balaclavas etc. taking advantage of the gathering to stir up trouble. What were they doing there? I thought it was meant to be a peaceful vigil for women.

A couple of women that I know who went said it was peaceful and socially distanced until dusk fell. They left as they said they knew trouble would start when they saw a group of men approaching the bandstand. One was wearing a balaclava. 

I find it interesting that there was barely a ripple in the press when the Rangers fans celebrated their way into George Square with an escort provided by Police Scotland. 

Gordon, the police asked people to move on and most apparently did. It was only those who refused to comply who were arrested. And of them it was only those who resisted arrest who had force used upon them. 

Can I ask why that is unreasonable? What's the alternative? Are you suggesting people are allowed to just say go away to the police if they disagree with instructions? Male police officers no longer allowed to arrest women?

I wrote "Proportionality? Not a good look".

No discussion by me whether actions on either side were unreasonable, so please don't put words in my mouth.

Your words and meaning where clear. You're implying that the police response was out of proportion. It was not. 

Don't put your opinion as if it's the opposite to mine. I didn't offer any opinion.

I read " Proportionality?  Not a good look"  as an opinion. Perhaps I misunderstood.

On balance, yes. They were given several opportunities to disperse. They refused. They were put under arrest and resisted. What alternative do the police have other than using reasonable force as the last resort? That's their job. They're surrounded by cameras and journalists. They can't turn a blind eye. What message would that send? Unfortunately, some people think the law doesn't apply to them.

Seeking to demonise the police doesn't exactly help our cause here. They do more than any other organisation to protect women (and men) from violence.

"Look what you made me do", right Stav? 

'Law only applies to other people', eh Will? 

Priti Patel's response is a failure of leadership. She should be backing Cressida Dick to the hilt. There's an element of politicians expressing the views they think people want to hear rather than what's right. The small group of women arrested had ample opportunity to comply with the law. 

Would we be complaining if it was a bunch of football fans, BNP/anarchist thugs were forcefully arrested after refusing to disperse? There isn't one rule for people with a just cause and another rule for those we don't sympathise with.

I'll leave it there. I know you started this thread with the best of intentions. This damn covid virus creates so many problems.

I can see what you are saying Stav but I think it's important to point out that by failing to engage with Reclaim These Streets (who had stewards arranged to ensure social distancing) the Met left a vacuum which was filled by Sisters Uncut for political purposes. Sadly this has over shadowed the original purpose of the vigil to pay tribute to Sarah Everard. 

The police also allowed numerous press photographers onto the bandstand who did not bother with social distancing or in many cases face coverings.

Other vigils passed off peacefully on Saturday because the respective police forces engaged with organisers. 



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