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Railway Fields to remain open during lockdown - here's some things to look out for in January

Very pleased to say that Railway Fields will remain open during the current lockdown. 

It may be January but there's still plenty to spot although you may have to look a little closer than usual.

Plants that are beginning to flower include cow parsley, green alkanet and sow thistle and there are hazel and birch catkins.

Look at leaf litter and on the dead wood around the site for fungi.

Very easy to spot are Jelly Ear and King Alfred's Cakes but you may spot tiny fungi sprouting up in the wet leaves or on logs.

It may seem quiet as the trees stand dormant and most insects have yet to emerge but the life of a detritivore carries on all year round. These lovely shiny woodlice were busy breaking down an piece of wood by the story den. On a sunny day, you may see the temporary emergence of bumblebees and even butterflies. Last year, I glimpsed a Red Admiral on the 9th January, lured out by the warmth and sunshine. 

You'll see and hear birds busy feeding up to survive the cold days and long nights. The distinctive cheeping of sparrows has, I'm happy to say, returned to Railway Fields and can be heard around the site. After a period of worrying decline, I hope we can say that they are beginning to recover their numbers. 

January may be cold and grey but Nature never sleeps. There's always something to see. 

🕰 Opening hours are 9-4/dusk
⬆️ Visitors are reminded to follow the one-way system and stick to the current government guidelines to stay covid safe
🚾 Toilets are not open to the public.

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This is wonderful news, a sanctuary in such troubling times



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