Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Haringey's Licensing Policy covers:

  • The sale and supply of alcohol, e.g. pubs, restaurants, clubs and off licences
  • Public music and dancing, e.g. live music, providing a dance floor for customers
  • Indoor sport
  • Boxing and wrestling
  • Film exhibitions including cinemas
  • Plays including theatres
  • Late night refreshment - the sale of hot food and drink between 11pm and 5am such as takeaways and restaurants which open late in the evening.

I have checked with Haringey's Licensing team and they say "this has nothing to do with gambling matters."

You can read more about the changes being proposed and read the full policy here.

Any comments should be made by email to daliah.barrett@haringey.gov.uk

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We appreciate the intense excitement that this posting has aroused!

At the risk of deflating that bubble, here's a well considered response from the Haringey Federation of Residents' Associations on their new HoL microsite.
Drinking on public transport is no longer allowed, to the relief of the general public using these services.

I'm afraid that rather shows the tone of the HFRA's response. All fun should be banned. Anyone not satisfied with 10 hours sleep a night and a bit of gardening after work can move to Paris.

PS It is merely against the conditions of carriage.



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