Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

From the Guardian:

Conkers have been in a sorry state this year, much smaller than usual. The culprit is a pest, the caterpillars of the leaf miner moth, which chew through the leaves. The moth is also doing huge damage to the horse chestnut trees themselves, leaving them short of food and shedding their leaves early. The moth originally came from Macedonia and was first recorded here in Wimbledon, south-west London, in 2002, and has been spreading through England ever since.

Anyone noticed how the conkers in local parks are faring?

I'm certainly not bringing bags of them home this year as normal, although there were still a few decent sized ones in Clissold Park. My kids seem much keener on collecting them than playing conkers.

Is this a game that is passing into the mists of time for modern children or do conkers in strings still make up part of the detritus in school kids pockets?

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