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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Admins, I think racism is not allowed on HOL. Is there any chance you could ban the people I believe are making racist comments on today's Downhills Park post.

I have taken a screen shot and will be reporting them to the police.

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On a positive note I am certain the vast majority of readers will think the comments written by the 3 individuals we both sickening and racist.

"I have taken a screen shot and will be reporting them to the police."

So we have this site's den mother our own Nurse Ratched as judge and jury of is and what isn't "racist". 

Ironically, the only wrong I have seen to date is threatened defamation which will in fact occur if this is reported to the police as threatened by this petulant child.

Open offer: If this malcontent reports any member of this site to the police and this can be confirmed, please set up a PM network with me should you wish and I will offer my legal services to defend free of charge. In addition I will offer free of charge my services to further review and consider a claim for defamation against this BEN/KEBAB/POTUS guy which I very much will look forward to conducting as a public service. 

It is absolutely disgraceful that someone would threaten, and worse, act upon a threat to create a police record about someone who simply holds an opinion this person does not agree with.


Yes absolutely hilarious...

A contributer on a thread about travellers says that they are less deserving of sympathy than cockroaches. This is not a casual association but dog- whistle racism used to invoke and normalise their opinion that a certain group are less than human.

"People are so bothered by the way we're treating jews because they are God's creatutes. But cockroaches are God's creatures and we destroy them". Printed in Der Sturmer, Nazi Germany. Rats and vermin were also common comparisons.

Hutus slaughtered Tutsis  "you have to kill Tutsis because they are just cockroaches".

Nazis found it easy to justify invading Poland because they are "an East European species of cockroach".

On the migrants escaping by boat across the Mediteranean, Katie Hopkins "These migrants are like cockroaches. They might look a bit 'Bob Geldof's Ethiopia 1984' but they are built to survive a nuclear bomb", it didn't matter that they were drowning because these men, women and children were cockroaches.

...absolutely hilarious.

Thank you POTUS and Maggie, and of course Hugh.  I have been shocked by the tone of some recent posts on HOL and more so by the support they have received.  It is a sad reflection of what is happening in broader society and I am grateful to those who stick their heads over the parapet in defence of decent, respectful behaviour.


My wife is a Bosnian, Muslim refuge I have a house there (although we gave it to a homeless family) the Roma are treated disgustingly. I have seen ethnic cleansing first hand, my family have been the victims of racial abuse over there. Lori, I think you need to do a bit of research.

Please read some history, see Annee s post.

In 1933 Nazis introduced two laws in order to round up Roma and Sinti as well as others they wanted rid of, the pretext was "The Law against Dangerous Criminals" and "The Law for Prevention of Hereditary Disease of offspring". Because Roma/ Gypsies were labeled as 'they are all thieves' (as in the contribution on another thread about Downhills Park/ also used aginst "money grubbing Jews") they could be rounded up and interned without recourse to law; once there the Roma women were forcibley sterilised to prevent the 'hereditary disease' of being a Roma being passed on to the next generation.

From 1937 Roma were sent in their thousands to the concentration camps, along with Jews, homosexuals, disabled, trade unionists etc, and mass extermination started. To cut a long story short by the end of the war Roma were rounded up from Germany, Austria, Poland France and any other country they could get to; between 250,000 and 500,000 Roma/Sinti/Gypsy men women and children had been slaughtered.

Roma make up part of the traveller community in the UK.

I'm completely blown away at how ignorant some people are. It would be funny if it wasn’t do terribly sad. A tsunami of sweeping statements with absolutely no idea of historical fact. It's bananas.
Lori, let me tell you a little not too secret secret. I worked for many years in LB Haringey within the autism team. I had two kids on my caseload from Irish travelling families. I would see the kids twice a week both in school and on home visits. The kids, their parents and the wider family were adorable and didn't have a racist bone in their body. My colleagues was, a traveller herself was also quite wonderful. You talk about being raised to abhor racism, I'm so glad you were, but then to make an utterly sweeping statement judged on dog walkers and a couple of kids in a leisure centre is worrying to say the least.

Who honestly here hasn't tried to get into something for free when a child?

I have been lucky enough to carve out a successful career in advertising that I gave up to do more social work. I have worked in children's services, adult services, housing and learning disabilities and I must admit had the misfortune of meeting some complete and utter scumbags of all ethnicity, religion, and gender. But I'm not going to terrorism all those cohorts with the same brush? That would be errr... Well I need not say it.

Do yourself a favour and read Stupid White Men if you really want to know who causes the most trouble.

Lori I think you do yourself no favours in replying to someone who was answering your post respectfully to accuse him of spouting bullshit. On this site you play the ball not the man or woman.

Lori it was completely respectful, and it was certainly not bullshit.

Let me help you get your head around what you are appearing to believe.

Is that your dog? It's a staffie cross right? It's just a child was killed by a staffie cross so your dog is dangerous.

The owner of the staffie went to prison. That means the owners of staffies are bad people. You are a bad person.

This all seams a little unfair right? I'm sure your dog is sweet as.

Read the book.



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