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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Some here might be interested in this local LibDem campaign (link below) to get more street trees planted in the Boro’. it seems that in 2018 the newly elected Labour-led Council had promised 1000 new street trees … but appears to have fallen short, to say the least.


Tags for Forum Posts: air, environment, quality”, street trees”, green,

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There's lots of new trees recently planted on the Hornsey Park streets...

How can we trust the Lib Dems until they completely admit to and undertake to reverse the damage they actively contributed to by joining up with the now quasi-fascist Tories in introducing drastic cuts to public services and poverty alieviating sevices during their cynical coalition with that party?

And then their ex leader runs of and takes a no doubt more than handsomely paying job with a company that has no interest in really 'serving human kind' but only in gathering data and selling to the highest bidder and that also colludes with brutal dictatorships?

I agree that we need more street trees but won't sign a petition emanating from that party.

Sure I read of report that there is already a Campaign to plant more trees.In the borough

Which was agreed by Council

Under stand its being assisted by Local Forum Boards 

Haringey has a tree planting policy. Residnets can lobby and get trees planted to or sponsor trees in their own areas.

Of course Haringey has been subjected to drastic cuuts ounder the previous Tory/Lib Dem regime that funding has to be diverted to core services.

It is pure hypocrisy for a politcal party which colluded in pushing thorugh those cuts to then lobby post fact to remedy problems they contributed in making. Just rich.

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