Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

While looking at the Council's planning website for something else, I found this:

"In line with the 2017 Revised Statement of Community Involvement, consultation letters will no longer be sent for planning applications as of 1 September 2017. Where there is a legal duty to consult a site notice will be placed at each site.

Local groups can also sign up to receive notification of planning applications via email.

To receive our weekly list of applications by email, please email planningsupport@haringey.gov.uk "

So, if your neighbour plans to build a huge extension in their back garden or developers want to demolish a family house and build flats, it looks as though the first you'll know about it is when "a notice" is "placed" at the site. The statement of community involvement shows a touching faith that anyone intending to apply for planning permission will "consult" their neighbours first; are rose-tinted glasses official issue at the Civic Centre?

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There is an app called Haringey Notiz (apparently produced by Trinity Mirror) which will show all planning applications on a map. However, I'm yet to get the promised notification facility to work. So it is of limited use.
Sadly, Haringey is simply falling into line with many other local authorities who do not send neighbour notification letters and only do the statutory minimum

I wish they'd fall into line with Kensington & Chelsea, this is brilliant! I love that they inadvertently doorstepped a prominent investment banker to check if the property really was unoccupied and he answered the door. 50% council tax discount, thank you very much.

Shame they didn't print the list. A lot of homeless people would escape the rain in style tomorrow...

Actually, I think it's a 50% premium on top of the normal rate, but the article points out that this is still less than chicken-feed to the owners - and, of course, the top rate of Council Tax is the same whatever the value above a certain amount.

I get the weekly email notifications. Easy to skim through all the planning applications for your ward. But now I'll know to pay closer attention if I'm not going to receive anything in the post!

That was easy, just emailed and got a reply back within 10 minutes saying I will be added to their list



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