Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following the Council's previous decision not to send planning application notification letters to neighbours, I've just found this on the LBH website:

Posted: 31 August 2017

The plans to no longer send letters for planning applications will not go ahead on 1 September 2017.  Letters will be sent until further notice. 

Local groups can continue to sign up to receive notification of planning applications via email. To receive our weekly list of applications by email, please email planningsupport@haringey.gov.uk

Perhaps they were inundated with applications for the e-mails (or complaints)? Either way, for once the Council seems to have seen sense.

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It would have been absolutely outrageous if the Council had stopped the neighbour notifications. Thank you Don and thank you Council.

Well, of course I'd love to take the credit, but I don't think it was anything I said or did that influenced them! Suspect they were overwhelmed with requests for the e-mail versions and decided it was more trouble than it was worth to scrap the letters. Let's see how long the change of heart actually lasts...

I think it's maybe a temporary reprieve. Other boroughs have dropped neighbour notification letters to save money and some have never sent them, as the minimum legal requirement is to send a letter OR place a notice on site. Haringey''s Statement of Community Involvement (which is a document all planning authorities are obliged to produce and sets out how local people and business will be involved in the planning process) was only adopted a few months ago and doesn't mention sending letters (see paragraph 5.5.3 in the attached document)



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