Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Knocked over streetlight by the charity shop .

Spoiled pavement at the side of Devran. I hope the council are going to charge them for cleaning off the paint and cement from when they had their wall done.

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No they haven't cleaned it it is in a right state. It seems that they they think of our footpath as an extension to their yard/lockup/kitchen.

My view is that if they can't use the street respectfully and responsibly they shouldn't be allowed to trade on it. Fed up with having to look at and dodge their stuff on the pavement. It should not be there and more to the point the council should be dealing with this but they aren't. Makes you wonder why.
More Devran crap blocking the street on Saturday
The large box that was sticking out of Devran's back door last night...
I found it fly- fly tipped on Green Lanes this morning...

Devran Dumping Season has started again... And that flipping kitchen door is constantly left swinging onto the pavement.

This lovely pile of rubbish on the pavement on Saturday morning at about quarter to nine. I complained to the man in the photo who laughed at me and told me he had nowhere to put it. I said the bin would be a good place (they have a bin store next to the kitchen) then he shoe'd me off.

Then in this second photo you will see it is still there at lunchtime, this was taken at 12.40. I went in and complained to the "manager" who threw me out.

If a business is behaving like this and you have solid evidence, Start a campaign to stop people eating there. Posters on the lamposts around the restuarant could alert their customers to this bad behavior. If profits on a weekend start to drop they should start to clean up their act.

What about a quiet word from one of our councillors? Damage of pubilic property(pavement) can be very expensive to put right if the council had to get some contractors involved

or maybe an approach to the GL traders group, a bit of peer presure can go a long way. 


I shouldn't have to Andy, they are breaking the law and causing misery for residents. The council are aware and should be dealing with them.
You might also want to mention to Haringey that the outward opening door is in contravention of Section 153 of the Highways Act

Thanks Michael, I spoke to someone last year about this, i think it was John Ford at the council. He said they had been warned to keep it shut. I feel like I'm pissing in the wind with this, the council don't seem to want to do anything about it.

Also contravenes the food hygiene act:

> Windows and other openings (e.g. doors) that can be opened

onto the outside must be fitted, where necessary, with

insect-proof screens that can be removed easily for cleaning.

> Where open windows would cause contamination, windows

must remain closed and fixed while you are producing food.

Well, when the candidates for the by election knock on your door ask them what they intend to do about this and the general take over of the public highway on GL by shops treating it as an extension of their premises. I certainly will be.

Thanks I have just found the email chain on my phone and have screenshotted the photos and posted here. Maybe this will jolt someone into action. I don't want to tell people not to go there but if this is the kind of filth going on outside I worry about what's behind closed doors.



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