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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I was at the Overview & Scrutiny call-in last night. The Labour cabinet will have to think again on their plans to increase parking charges by 115% in town centres after the Council’s ‘watchdog’ committee agreed with Liberal Democrats last night (Wed 8th Dec 2010) that proposals should be reviewed. Cllr Lyn Weber was successful in persuading the committee that the Council had failed to carry out a full impact assessment on how the hikes in parking charges will affect local businesses.
The scrutiny committee unanimously recommended to the cabinet that a full impact assessment is carried out and the increase in charges for Green Lanes, Muswell Hill and Crouch End pay and display are reconsidered. A cabinet meeting will now be convened to consider the recommendations within the next five working days.


Cllr Karen Alexander

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More "gouging" news, Michelle, this time from London Councils.  It includes a whopping £200 gouge if you drive in the exclusive so-called Olympic routes. (By comparison, Camilla and Charles's Roller seems positively modest.)


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:36 AM
Subject: Additional Parking Charges consultation 2010


Dear colleagues

On the 9 December 2010 London Councils, Transport and Environment Committee (TEC) discussed the results of the Additional Parking Charges consultation 2010. The committee agreed to the proposals for the following changes, subject to approval from the Mayor of London and the Secretary of State.

  • Withdrawal of parking penalty band C
  • A £10 increase in the higher-rate penalty of both bands A and B
  • Dispensing with your predecessor’s caveat for higher-rate Code 12 contraventions
  • An enhanced rate of £200 on the Olympic Route Network
  • A £10 increase in the penalty for contravening bus lanes, minor moving traffic offences and driver’s contraventions of the London Lorry Control Scheme.

The TEC report can be found by following this link Additional Parking Charges consultation 2010.

Kind regards

Sylvia Trotman| Principal TfL Liaison Officer, London Councils

John McMullan, Do you have solar panels on your property or a wind turbine in your garden? I bet you don’t and neither do Haringey council and if i can remember rightly they have a car park attached one of their buildings at the top of wood green.


This has nothing to do with pollution or the environment, its income generation and people are delusional if they think otherwise. I haven’t seen any significant “environmental” improvements as a result of parking charges so why should I pay for nothing?


John please don’t get me wrong and get all emotional i have a right to say what i feel and perhaps you should think about the other side of the argument before posting links to trolleys. Are you also going to have a go at people who order online? Because if I order 1 book from amazon a great big polluting van delivers it.


So get real, for progression anywhere you need to allow people to drive.


On a final note,


 Alan Stanton: "Also intriguing is the lack of any specific legal advice on the legality of these increases."


just like I pointed out earlier, crooks.



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