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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A Council CCTV parking enforcement car was parked on a corner, on double yellow lines at 1209 today. I asked the occupants why and the driver produced a piece of paper, which he didn't let me read, saying this allowed them to park anywhere at anytime.

Since double yellow lines are laid where it would be dangerous or an obstruction to park, surely this cannot be true ?

I think a check with the Council Parking Service is in order.


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I think we can draw a tentative conclusion from these examples as to why these operatives, or "officers" [insert appropriate description here] are there.

They are there, not so much to enforce the law – which they are happy to flout, ignore, disregard – as to gain revenue.

They should be setting a scrupulous example. This is just another tiny case of why respect for authority has declined. The continuance of this kind of flouting reflects on the council rather than the driver for this reason:

If the local council wanted to maintain trust, respect, authority and public confidence, operatives like these would receive serious punishment instead of just getting a little telling off. Why does Haringey continue to employ delinquent staff who tarnish its reputation?

Well, yes there is one law for us and another for them.

I received a very courteous and informative mail from Gary Weston, Parking Infrastructure Manager, Traffic Management - Single Frontline. In essence, he says that Parking Enforcement vehicles have exemption to park on double yellow lines while in the course of their enforcement duties and if  -

  • At the time of parking the driver should be satisfied there is no alternative location to park. Where     possible they should park within a permitted parking bay and if none is available they then should park on a single yellow line. Only if one of those options are not available should they consider parking on a Double Yellow Line and if they do park on a Double Yellow Line they should not park within 5 metres of any junction.

I have asked him what action he intends to take vis-a-vis the infringement of the 5 metre rule.


It seems to me, John, that you're highlighting a general issue. This isn't the first time that HoL members have spotted a Haringey CCTV car flouting rules which residents get fined for breaking.

And the number of metres is less important than the potential danger to other road users caused by parking on a corner -  for example if cyclists are forced to swerve when turning into Denmark Road

In my experience I've always found Mr Gary Weston courteous and helpful. However, as this is clearly not an isolated incident, I suggest you consider emailing the Director Ms Lyn Garner (lyn.garner@haringey.gov.uk)

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Well done to John D for

a] photographing the infringer

b] challenging the driver/employee

keep up the good work and more brave people with cameras.

I  got so riled with the police on 2 occasions  and had a go at them but it got me nowhere.

Further to my complaint to Frontline I received the following response -

"Thank you for your enquiry received on the 29th July 2012,

  I have allocated your enquiry to the appropriate officer, who will send you a full reply by the 10th August 2012. The reference number is LBH/0945312

  If you have any questions, please contact me on 020 8489 1335


Kind Regards

Maria Michael

Technical Support Officer

Frontline Services "

Have I received the full reply ?


Just as I have received NONE of the promised  follow-up replies to my several report-a-problem  advisories a couple of months back on flooding caused by blocked rainwater gullies or a dangerous street light column that had been damaged by a reversing vehicle.

Why don’t they just come clean and say “ Your pissy whiny little complaint  has been binned and you’ll hear no more about it from us “ ?


After intervention by Cllr Canver, I have received a reply from Gary Weston to the effect that he has expressed his displeasure and that the enforcement people will be instructed to play henceforth by the rules.

Thank you Nilgun and gary.

John, can I please suggest that you send reminders and if necessary formal complaints about your other unanswered reports. There are sometimes genuine and understandable reasons why things don't get a response. (Or even an explanation and apology for the occasional delayed response.)

But what you seem to be seeing are indications of systemic failings. Which in turn require the systems to be looked at and, if needed, changed.

Unfortunately the dysfunctional "cabinet" system operates to lock-in these failings. In fact it benefits from them by increasing the power of "cabinet" councillors and the "leader". As I've said before on HoL, this big man/woman system of government is not in any sense an advance on local democracy and accountability.

Incidentally, I don't recall being told before that this "smartcar" breaking the rules was operated  by the private company Ontime Parking Solutions.

Can I please ask any HoL members with a cameraphone who see an Ontime or perhaps a Council vehicle breaking the rules, to take a couple of photos and either post them here or send them to me. We'll see if they are obeying the same rules as everyone else, "Going Forward". Or even backwards.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor.  alan.stanton@blueyonder.co.uk )

Ontime now seem to be called " Frontline " which rather reinforces the idea that they are conducting a war on motorists

Hey, I use Frontline for my cat's fleas. Do I get a discount?

Ontime Parking Solutions Ltd still seems to be part of Ontime Automative Ltd. 

Their website has a photo of a man putting a parking ticket on a windscreen. It mentions: "specially trained staff are on hand, 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure that our customers constantly enjoy a highly-professional service". And makes clear that its customers are companies and local authorities.

For some odd reason they don't include local residents as "customers" - even though we pay for their services. Nor could I spot a mention that parking controls exist to benefit all road users - not simply as a tax gathering mechanism.

Why are you smiling? Have I written something funny?

No, I thought I had.



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