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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

From Haringey Council:

Each year Haringey Council celebrates the role of unpaid carers by running its Carer of the Year Awards. Nominations for this year’s award are open now.

The awards coincide with National Carers Week in Haringey from 18-24 June and provide an opportunity to celebrate the commitment and dedication of people who look after a family member, neighbour or friend.

For the first time there will be a Young Carers category as well as the adult award, to acknowledge the number of children and young people under 18 helping to look after a family member. Nominations close on Sunday 27 May and the winners will be announced during the week of activities in June.

Cllr Dilek Dogus, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services at Haringey Council, said: “The borough owes a huge debt to carers and I hope these awards are a small step towards repaying that debt. Mostly their role is carried out with a degree of commitment that even the most dedicated care worker would find it hard to equal.

“We are all potential carers and many people set aside careers, social life and personal achievement in order to care for someone they love. As well as the annual awards the council is committed to supporting carers throughout the year by providing meeting facilities, advice and networking opportunities.”

Mr Helvin Forbes (80), one of last year’s winners, looks after his wife. He said; “Like all carers I would rather not be in this position but that is what happens in life. I think it’s our duty to look after our families and we do not seek rewards or recognition. What is satisfying about the awards is that carers are acknowledged for their contribution to society.”

Nomination forms for Carer of the Year Awards 2012 can be found on the council’s website at www.haringey.gov.uk/carersaward. For more information on carers week please telephone 020 8489 1400 or email IAT@haringey.gov.uk.

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