Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


The fallout from the phone hacking scandal is moving at lightning speed. Resignations are piling up at Downing Street's door.  Both the commissioner and AC have gone in the last 24 hrs and Brooks at NI on Friday. Tomorrow we have the select committee hearing and Wednesday Cameron cuts short his trip to Africa to attend another debate surrounding associations and fallout from this hacking scandal.


The heat appears not to have been taken out of this scandal by the above mentioned resignations. In deed it appears that pressure is increasing on Cameron to justify his associations with Coulson and his 26 meetings held over the last 18 months with NI executives.


Borris has just explained at a news conference this afternoon that the Met Commissioner and his AC have had to go because of distractions getting in the way of doing their job  (such as questions surrounding their associations with the ex- deputy NOTW editor, later hired as a PR man by the Met and other circumstances).


Is Cameron's association with Coulson and News International beginning to hamper his efforts to get on with the job of running the country? Will he end up resigning as PM?




If so, could we see Nick Clegg as the next Prime Minister?



Or even the possibility of a snap election in the autumn?!


Right now events breaking daily on the news seem almost stranger than fiction.   

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Cameron did come out fighting though in todays parliamentary debate. I think the sting has probably been taken out of Labour's attack ... for now. It'll take some months for the various inquiries to work their way through. By then we'll be dealing with an imploding euro zone.

I doubt it, but you are entitled to your view Matt..


take a look at the youth unemployment figures here..



Or pick out an apprenticeship here for those of your kids that aren't academic:


Germany is not the Eurozone :-)
Not possible to have a 'view' on such things. Too complex. Relying on those financial 'experts' / commentators. :) Germany is the only country wealthy enough to prop up the ailing south, so in that sense it probably is the eurozone. But apparently no-one can afford to prop up Italy (26% of total euro debt) and Spain. So the euro would implode as the American investors run scared. Still, China appears keen for that not to happen and is buying up euro debt so maybe there's hope yet for the euro.

Look Matt, you are just reapeating BBC speculation..  I wouldn't believe all the BBC says.. They've been banging on this agenda for weeks..  Mainly because their financial editor and Nick Robinson are in the bed with the tory right.. nevertheless with all your wishful thinking and pointing out that Germany isn't the Eurozone.. you all miss the point. I don't think the USA & China are not going to let the Eurozone fail.. 

One: because as far as I know, apart from China, Germany is one of the only countries currently investing in the USA.. building new factories.. Bringing new jobs to the USA.

Two: because if it did it would kill off any recovery in most European nations.. the UK included.. Effecting Germany less than all the rest of you..


But let's see what happens..


BTW,  what a bummer for the UK and what a big mistake for the UK not to be in the Eurozone.. Now you have to fund the country's own overspending and living beyond your means yourself.. Instead of getting it done the Greek way with the German taxpayers paying for it.. tough luck..


So Matt, this is all OT - I've made my point of view clear and I'm not going to write anymore on that subject..

Panorama: Murdoch: Breaking the Spell? (30mins)



A very clear summary of events leading to the Murdoch spell being broken. What's also clear is Cameron's incredible lack of judgement, his arrogance and the need ultimately ... for him to go. 


There are some real heroes in this story, those that have refused to be intimidated by the 'fear' of Murdoch and they include particularly the MP Chris Bryant. The majority of MPs have unfortunately done nothing but sit on their hands ... till now.



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