Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The new Mayor of Haringey, Cllr Gina Adamou, has outlined her fundraising ambitions for the coming year.

Cllr Adamou, who was sworn in as Mayor on May 23, will devote her Mayoralty to raising as much money as possible for carers’ groups in Haringey.

She said: “There are around 16,000 carers in Haringey and they do such valuable work.

“Often, they do what they do out of a sense of love, care, commitment and duty and it doesn’t occur to them that they should be rewarded. But the work they do is so helpful to the community, to the council and to the health services.

“Carers don’t always get the acknowledgement they deserve and if I can change that, even if only a small amount, it will be an honour.”

Cllr Adamou’s passion stems from her experiences as chair of the social services committee and the scrutiny review of support to carers.

She said: “Hearing from carers directly and spending time with them had a great impact on me. I will be mainly supporting the Haringey Carers’ Centre and the BME Carers’ Group, but I would like to be able to support as many carers’ organisations as possible.

“I know that times are hard, but every single penny we raise will go to charity. In my last term as Mayor we raised just under £18,000 for the Whittington Hospital’s special baby care unit, if we could get anywhere near that amount this time round it would be just amazing.”

Donations and offers of fundraising support are always welcome. Anyone interested in helping out should contact the Mayor’s Office on 020 8489 2962 or emailmayors.office@haringey.gov.uk

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Here's a blog post I wrote on the plight of carers in the borough just over a year ago.



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