Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Brilliant news, isn't it? Progressive change.


(Local Conservatives)

Tags for Forum Posts: Conservatives, Dems, Government, Lib

Views: 58

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Look out Tottenham. Here come the cuts!

I wonder if this means we're getting a referendum on proportional representation?
Cuts would have come irrespective of party. Gordon spent like a druken sailor.
I doubt you're a floating voter, Mark. Labour is out and that's good thing. If the Conservatives and Lib Dems can make progress on the electoral system, the environment and civil liberties then that is a good thing. No ID cards now.
Watch out Mark, Justin will block you.. or call you a troll..

Still, let him have his half hour of fun.. Election night wasn't that good for him.. 995 wasn't it?

More serious is William Hague representing the country abroad.. we'll have to see how that one turns out..

BTW Justin, when you next get invited to a party do - ask the new foreign secretary what his views on gay people are.. Wasn't he over in Lithuania with similarly minded brown shirts..? Or was that in the European Parliament..? Hope you haven't come out officially.. you might never get promotion.. What did *tory lord*(lol) Tebbit of Ponder End call us..?
What a bunch of twerps, led by Lord Snooty himself and his posh pal

Class war is not dead then ? :-0)
Give it time. You didn't vote for Lammy, did you? Surely not?
What about the many, many Tory voters who lent their support to Lynne to stop the Labour Party?
We've had heaps of politics on here for a few weeks now. So we're going to try rein in those that aren't about local politics for a while. Members need a break. Sorry boys.



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