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Neighbourhood Watch: Repeated sightings of same person watching particular houses on Falkland Rd

There have been repeated sightings by a number of people of a man in his mid forties (approximately 5ft 8) watching houses from across the road on Falkland Rd. He stands on the footpath looking across into specific houses, sometimes smoking, sometimes not. When last seen yesterday evening he was wearing jeans and a black coat. The police (on ph: 101) have been made aware.

The same week that it was drawn to our attention that our house was being watched, a pair of shoes (which did not belong to any of us) was placed outside the house. We also noticed that the same day the shoes outside ours appeared, about three other pairs appeared outside people's houses on Falkland Rd. Originally we had assumed it was recycling by residents but it might have been a form of marker.

Our neighbour kindly informed us of this (stellar neighbourhood watch which is much appreciated) then one of us also saw him. We thought it would be a good idea to pass this info on to alert people to secure their properties/valuables over Christmas and if they see any suspicious activity to photograph it/the individual(s) and report it.


Tags for Forum Posts: -, Neighbourhood, burglaries, of, prevention, watch

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Have you seen the movie "Coherence"?
If only it were a movie.
That's a worry. Thank you for bringing it up and making everyone be more alert .
We got some great neighbours on this road, they tipped us off to it first.
Suppose if we all keep our eyes peeled it might help deter them. Agree, it might've been a way of checking whether we were away or not. We've dumped the shoes and re-jigged pots in the front garden a bit - we are in and watching.

That's awful about your neighbours in the gardens. It's often not what they take but that they've broken into your home that's the worst part. They usually do a few houses at once. Did anyone notice the place being watched or were there any markers?
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