Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just to let you know, I've been burgled on tuesday the 12th of July while I was on holiday !

So please be aware, keep an eye on suspicious people and lock your doors day and night while you're not at home !!!

The police could not find any finger prints, they were wearing gloves.

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Liilly - this is worth a watch for some ideas.

I'm sorry, i refuse to live my life under the dark skys of paranoia and fear needlessly. There's a constant message on HoL that it's dangerous out there and we should treat our homes as fortresses and be afraid of anybody that does not dress as we do and too assume that if we don't disaster will befall every one of us. Hol shores up the paranoia. When someone like me seeks to discuss an alternative view we get ridiculed and shouted down. You know there's something to what i'm saying but you don't have the courage to listen.

It's one of the symptoms of gentrification James.. Move into a bottom of the ladder area.. Slowly but surely, change it's make up. Encourage more expensive outlets, retuarants bars and food stores to open up.  Move the boundaries of place names, in order to match the estate agents jargon. Create a network of the like minded, impose your values & standards  and bingo, away we go. Price those who've lived all their lives in the area out. Deny the area was ever what it actually used to be. Whoopee, we all move on to the next area, to make another killing.


I'm sorry but that's nonsense. Poor people are disproportionately more likely to be burgled than the rich. According to the poverty.org.UK website
Young households, lone parents and the unemployed are all more than twice as likely to be burgled as the average household.

What's your 'Average' then?

They're not my stats but I assume working families.

Stephen. What the area used to be was pne of upper middle class Victorians, arguably 'it went down hill' at some point, and is now being brought back to what it once was.  So, where is your reference point?

The difficulty is that the make up an face/character of areas is in constant flux, nothing stays the same. I came here 13 years ago (and I cannot see myself living anywhere else). Why should I be made to feel bad for that? No one is imposing their values, if an area takes on 'values', as you describe it, that reflect the people that live there, surely that is perfectly democratic. Price people out. Tell me again what I did but for one decision to pay a particular price for my family's home 13 years ago. If anything, threads like this have arguably the opposite effect, and drive prices down- I have certainly seen threads removed/complained about by estate agents because of this!

Now, as to the main issue James raises about fear mongering, perhaps you might show some human empathy for the poor sole who what *actually* been burgled, and perhaps allow them to share some of their pain and leaning?

I was going to say something similar - it was solidly middle class and very proud of being so 100 years ago. 

Why can't you assume that i have sympathy for the burglary. Did i say that i did not ?  Do we have to line up as if for a confessional ?  What i question is whether it is useful for the safety of others to tell folk that you've been burgled. I can't think of a single useful reason, it won't stop other burglaries will it ? I can however see that it simply upholds the perception that it's much more dangerous out there than it actually is and encourages a seige mentality. For voicing my perfectly reasonable opinion i am being ridiculed because of the simple reason that i am touching a nerve. There's an elephant in the room.

It's perfectly reasonable to tell folk that you've been burgled.

It makes us think about whether our locks are adequate

It reminds us to double lock

It motivates us to keep a look out for suspicious characters hanging around and inform the police if it seems justified.

It motivates us to check our contents insurance and Smartwater the possessions

When was the last time you did a complete inventory of your valuables ?

I agree, I commend the original poster in letting us know what has happened. It's vital that we all keep an eye out for suspicious activity and more importantly make it hard for a thieve to succeed, so lock your doors properly when not at home.

What do you think of people who do get burgled but keep it quiet lest they scare their neighbours?



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