Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

All the discussions recently about shops being bought and sold...local regeneration and what people would like on the highstreet got me thinking.

I've only lived here for about a year and I still don't really know what's on offer...

I was looking at the plan for the regeneration and most of the work has been done. If someone has the time, the skills and the inclanation! a discription of each business would be really useful.

Some are obvious...betfair, tesco etc but I have no idea what Lion king do or what kind of food most of the non-English sounding restaurants sell, obviously mostly Turkish but which area of Turkey and their speciality would be really useful.


Then I thought what a great idea! I googled it...someone got there first!


So is anyone up for mapping our highstreet?

Maybe if people start by writing what they know someone else could cut and paste it to the plan.

It could then be stored somewhere on this site for use by everyone and updated as businesses move in and out...

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From another thread today:

By Liz 16 minutes ago

We did do some mapping onto social media networks. Hugh has done some sterling work on Foursquare and we have guides on Qype too (which could do with a bit of an update perhaps?). Hugh also has lots of local info pages under the 'local info' tab at the top of the page too including businesses that operate out of Harringay. 

Shamata is at the bridge end of the High street opposite Antipliler and next to Hot Nuts about here (although Google Street View is obviously well out of date). It's menu is modern, lots of Turkish with some US dishes and everything is made fresh by the chef.

By Hugh 4 seconds ago

Yes, as well as our Foursquare page, as a 4Sq superuser I've made sure as many Harringay businesses as possible are on there. Rather than create a data set for someone else to exploit commercially, I'd rather create one for the community on HoL - it's just the time - if anyone has time let me know. We'll do one, never mind helping a commercial set up to make money - done that already with Foursquare.

Ah, I didn't realise there was already stuff on here...
thanks Liz.
But for me a map with business names and what they do would be really useful...I quite often buy online, partly for convenience but also because I don't always know what I could get locally.

Would the shops themselves not benefit from an online map, could they get together and pay for a graphic designer? When you go to a shopping centre you pick up a store guide...I was thinking of something like that but with more information than just a shop name...what they sell, what other services they offer etc, surely it would increase their sales if local people knew what they sell or do?

Is a map what you were thinking of Hugh?
Maybe as part of the regeneration plan some kind of digital poster? At the start and end of green lanes (Harringay)with a shopping guide map. Perhaps the local traders could pay for it's upkeep?
In fact today I received an email today which included the following information:

Friday 21st June is the last day for your comments

If you have lost or cant find your document you can view the scheme on line at:


if you have time please comment via email to:


With the subject line title
"Harringay Green Lanes Comments"

Something like this would be great.
This is amazing!!!

But how do we make one for Harringay?



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