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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Manor House station has seven entrances, all with only stairs to the street. Does anyone know why at least one of these can't be an escalator? Was this ever a prospect?

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There is no reason why one can't be. But the justification is, and can only ever be, cost. Someone thinks it's not worth it. That someone is inevitably fit and able-bodied. It's the same someone who can only see building cycle lanes as the solution to traffic problems. Yes, and that someone is almost certainly a white bloke. 

Just like the white blokes who built the underground and paved the roads and designed and built the trains.

I can barely think of any stations (king's cross springs to mind) where there is an escalator from ticket office to street level and none where it is just a small set of stairs.

Wood Green has an escalator from platform to street level/ticket office. Extremely useful. 

The ticket office is at street level there though. I was thinking of ones like Manor House or Turnpike Lane where the ticket office is underground.


I suspect that if it was decided to spend a lump of money on accessibility at Manor House then they would spend it on lifts, not escalators.

The Piccadilly line is full of stairs, and even where there are lifts there are often stairs from the lift to the platform (e.g. Russel Square). Finsbury Park has been upgraded with lifts throughout fairly recently, but this is a much more important station than Manor House.



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