Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Dear All,


You may be aware of the planning application that has been submitted to Haringey Council by Network Rail and the Department of Transport to build a 280m long by 11m high train maintenance depot that will operate 24 hours a day. In layman's terms this building will be the length of 2.5 international football pitches and higher than a 3 storey building.


The location for this depot North and South of Turnpike Lane and in the Hornsey area.  When it is operational it is intended that most of the maintenance work will be undertaken at night and as such it will be brightly light by 12metre high street lamps along the entire length of the estate where there is currently no night lighting.  It is intended to service train repairs as well as train washing and as previously stated will run 24x7.  In addition to this the build programme is intended to take 2 years and will include overnight construction such as concrete piling.
It is thought that over and above the impact that it is going to have on the community as a whole, it is also going to have a impact on the designated ecological corridor that is a recognised habitat for endangered wildlife.
Network Rail have tried to suggest it will bring jobs to the local area and economic benefits to local business but their own report that is part of the planning application admits that job creation locally will be "minor" and the benefit to local businesses "negligible".
It is understood that Network Rail have refused to offer mitigation for the effects of the development such as noise barriers or adequate screening.  They have also failed to offer any S106 measures as compensation that will directly benefit the local community, such as giving over their industrial rental land near the estate as an open space.
The effects of this depot will be devastating for hard working local residents that currently live in the area and the thousands of residents.
I am also concerned that the council is not listening carefully enough to local residents' concerns and that is why as much support as possible is needed to oppose this planning application.
The consultation period only lasts for another few days so speed is of the essence.  Please use the link below and use reference HGY/2011/0612.

I am more than happy to provide further information or assist any writing any objections.
I feel very strongly about this and hope that the local community will lend their support by sending in objections to the council.
Many thanks

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