Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hello Harringay,

A few weeks ago a good friend in the Conservatives asked me to run under their banner in the local elections and I didn't laugh right in his face.

My original excursion into politics was in 2001, when I joined the Conservatives because I was so angry about the Victoria Climbie thing but then I left them in 2005 because:

a) I got fed up of politics and

b) I got fed up of the Conservatives (mind you I was just as fed up of the other lot).

When, a few weeks ago, I was invited back to the treadmill, I wasn't any better disposed to the political life but there is so much sh*t going on in this borough that I decided I couldn't ignore it any more.  I don't fit that well into a Party mold but seeing as the Conservatives are the only group really serious about opposition in this borough and seeing as I am an Angry Old Woman, I decided that *someone* has to do something.  Don't talk to me about the LibDems. The place for nodding dogs is in the back of the car, not in the Council chamber.

*If you want to follow me on Twitter, the address is <@LoveHarringay>  

*If you want to get in touch with me by phone, leave a message with Tottenham Conservatives on 020 8374 6305.  I'll get back to you.  Or email loveharringay@gmail.com.

*If you want to discuss political theory, ring the LSE.  

And from now on, you can be as suspicious as you want about anything I say.  


I and my two running-mates, Sean Rivers and Massimo Rossini (NB--Rivers, Rivlin & Rossini make The Three Rs, which all good Conservatives support) will be putting out a leaflet soon.

The local party have agreed to let us write up our own stuff, so we are actually going to be working hard on it, ourselves.   At least take a look when it lands on your doormat.

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Hi Lydia
Dennis Delderfield's involvement with the Labour Party in Fortis Green was I believe in 1964 way before he went independent and then founded the New Britain Party in 1976.

Emine Ibrahim
Labour Party Candidate (Harringay Ward)

Fair enough Emina, but since the man has crossed the paths of both of us--in your case as a dedicated worker for Labour and in my case as an ordinary citizen, shocked by the horrible death of an infant under the supervision of people who were being paid to protect him -- perhaps we can have less of this "Delderfield--oh no!" stuff from your colleagues.

Lydia Rivlin — so nauseated by vote rigging in the wards, venality in the Council, shenanigans in the Planning Department and disorganisation in the Social Services, that I signed up to fight it all by becoming a Conservative candidate in the May elections.  One thing about the Tories—they haven’t been corrupted by power round here.

Well not really - I was born in 1976 so our paths have never crossed.

Emine Ibrahim
Labour Party Candidate (Harringay Ward)
And this from the 2004 GLA elections


Conservative Party

15.Yvonne Lydia Rivlin


And your point is...?

As I have already said, I was in the Conservatives, and working hard for them I might say, between 2001 and 2005.  So what is so remarkable about me being on a Conservative list for a date during that period? 

But then I left.  That is also not remarkable. 

What a load of nonsense.  You really *are* desperate, aren't you?

Lydia Rivlin — so nauseated by vote rigging in the wards, venality in the Council, shenanigans in the Planning Department and disorganisation in the Social Services, that I signed up to fight it all by becoming a Conservative candidate in the May elections.  One thing about the Tories—they haven’t been corrupted by power round here.

Desperate for what? And why are you being rude to me?

Well actually I am not sure exactly what you are desperate for, but pulling out a record that I was on a Conservative list when I had from the beginning said I was working for the Conservatives at that time--that does appear to be a bit desperate, doesn't it?

I am not being rude.  I am pointing out how very silly this all is.

Lydia Rivlin — so nauseated by vote rigging in the wards, venality in the Council, shenanigans in the Planning Department and disorganisation in the Social Services, that I signed up to fight it all by becoming a Conservative candidate in the May elections.  One thing about the Tories—they haven’t been corrupted by power round here.

Lydia, my post was deleted which is why you couldnt respond to it. Seemingly plain speaking on HOL without poetry or literary references is just NOT on.

Ah, I'm sorry about that but Hugh obviously had his reasons, although I have to say for the record that they probably were nothing to do with poetry.

If you are still interested in an answer, add me to your connections and I can message you instead.

Lydia Rivlin — so nauseated by vote rigging in the wards, venality in the Council, shenanigans in the Planning Department and disorganisation in the Social Services, that I signed up to fight it all by becoming a Conservative candidate in the May elections.  One thing about the Tories—they haven’t been corrupted by power round here.

Lydia, being a Tory isn't just for Christmas.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor. Not a Tory last time I looked.)

"being a Tory isn't just for Christmas"

Well, Alan, that's the big problem with Socialism at the moment, isn't it? 

It has become a religion--and so fundamental a religion that the adherents are incredulous that anyone might be able to cast it off.  That is why this Socialist Council feels no guilt about the advantage it takes of the voters, or the chaos it creates in people's lives with orthodoxies superceding reality.  This is why they label and abuse and attack with no sense of disquiet or shame because it is All In The Service Of The Greater Good that is the shining ideal of the socialist paradise-to-come. 

And that is why such Socialists find it impossible even to imagine that there are people who are not that religious. If someone has another view, they must have another creed, that is the only way you see it. It is beyond your horizons that someone might just dump what you interpret as THEIR religion. 

But you see, being a Conservative is not my religion.  As far as I am concerned it is a tool which I am using to fight the dreadful situation which has been created by people like you: good people who have switched off their brains and often their consciences too, to serve this heartless god.

You know even better than I do what is going on in the Council right now, the backstabbing, the infighting, the jockying for power, the cheating, the buck-passing.  You must know many more details than do I, and the little that I know makes me sick.  And yet you continue to defend your shining ideal. 

I believe in PEOPLE not ideals.  Perhaps you might define a belief in people, rather than theories, as being Tory, in fact I expect that you will.  Under the sort of Socialism I see round here, Newspeak is the language, the definitions of words change from day to day, mistakes go into the memory hole and everyone who isn't you is doubleplusbad.

Lydia Rivlin — so nauseated by vote rigging in the wards, venality in the Council, shenanigans in the Planning Department and disorganisation in the Social Services, that I signed up to fight it all by becoming a Conservative candidate in the May elections.  One thing about the Tories—they haven’t been corrupted by power round here.

"This Socialist Council". 

Lydia, that's hilarious. I take it all back about your earlier jokes being the funniest.



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