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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Passage today.

and people are worried about gentrification ?

That'll be the day.

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Yep we have lots of concerns and lots of people are dealing with them. I don't think I would go for CE if I could afford it and I certainly wouldn't want to swap my place for a tiny flat in CE. Great shops can't even survive there so their high street also consists of supermarkets, charity shops and restaurants and basic things are heavily marked up in CE. We have all of that here plus good public transport. John D you can afford to get out of here there are plenty of cheaper places in and out of London so you choose to stay here. Fair enough to moan about messy co-residents etc and glad you are confronting it. The more the merrier trying to do something about it. Besides all neighbourhoods have their issues. A friend lives in a flat in a posh square in Central London. She has had to deal with prostitutes renting and operating from a flat in the building, a drug dealer doing the same, and her car broken in to so... I bet Westminster deals wil dumping differently to Haringey though as their pavements always look cleaner.

Wow,  you people seem to want to talk about me, not to me, like children in a playground. Amazing. As most of you are completely new to me, and I don't know you from Adam, I'll give you some background:

So I spent 9 years living on the Ladder. It was great at first. But gradually started wearing me down. I could see the area deteriorating. I was constantly exhausted, due to lack of sleep. I was woken up on average 3 or 4 nights a week either from the halfway house across the road (the goings on there could fill a few pages alone), fighting or other goings on in the Passage,  or general drunken antisocial s**t occurring. It was constant. I always felt safe when I first moved there. That stopped after a few years, the area changed, and not for the better. Lewd comments and aggressive begging seemed to become the norm on Green Lanes. I spent a lot of time and energy trying to improve where I lived, as did (and still do) a lot of people on HoL. I had a few positive results, but mostly it was shrugged off by the Council. It was incredibly frustrating. Yes, I decided to move to Crouch End. So shoot me. I have been woken up by noise in the street ONCE since I moved. That alone justifies it to me. Nicholas (whoever you are), I have never said there are not house parties in CE. Where on earth did that come from? Any idiot would know that's blatantly not true. There are also fly tipping here, but not to the degree you have over there. I never claimed that either. As for "rubbish people", care to define that? Again, a fiction of your imagination I'm afraid. So I suggest you stop putting imaginary words in my mouth. I’m so sorry if I at any point managed to mention there's a problem where you live.  I hope that didn’t offend you. And don’t try and twist that into  ”Anette says Crouch End has no problems”. Of course we do. However, it never rains in Crouch End. We have eternal sunshine.  As you seem to have more than a whiff of Crouch End envy, I thought I’d add that little known fact.

I can totally sympathise with John’s comment of “if I can afford it I’d be on the first bus out of this shithole”. That’s exactly how I felt, and I was lucky enough to be in a position to leave. Problem is, Harringay needs people like John and me – we care, and we complain, take action, and sometimes we make things happen. If a lot of people like us are worn doen and driven out, then what? What if Liz, Hugh, John McMullan, people who are engaged and active decide they’ve had enough and leave, then what?

Yes, I am still interested in what happens where I used to live, and still have friends. Does moving across the tracks exclude me? If so, HoL would lose a large amount of members, something you would know if you'd been around for a while. It frustrates me that nothing seems to be done, and no one seems to be willing to kick up enough of a stink to actually get noticed. "I just took a photo and reported it". You think that's job done? How naïve are you? That's just nannying. The fly tipper will see it cleared up, and will just do it again. Where's the solution? You figure it out..

Sorry John for  going off topic, hopefully the discussion can now go back to how to really deal with the issue of fly-tipping. Charlotte, Nicholas and Matt, don’t bother replying, as I am really not interested.

I feel very sorry for you that you have had so many awful experiences. I hope you have more luck with your current and future neighbours. I am clearly very lucky as I have great neighbours, a quiet road, and a nice community of people who work hard to do reduce antisocial behaviour (which is a London wide problem).

Annette, my name is Nicholas which is really all you need to know. I, like everyone else on HoL have the right to post on here without seeking your permission – I will bother with a response. If Matt, Charlotte and I are the school children, then you are certainly the bully in the playground.

Where does one start with a reply like that because you’ve completely missed my point? Perhaps with an apology to begin with; in your previous post "Brilliant note to neighbours", I misread your comment "Matt, does not happen in Crouch End. However, was woken up pretty much every night on Seymour Road. Another reason why I got out of there. No regrets!" I initially read this comment as a general one referring to Crouch End rather than your own personal experience. You’ve now contradicted yourself here, but yes I misinterpreted what you said, so apologies.

What a time you had on the Ladder. I can hardly believe you lived on the Ladder, because from my short time here, it has generally been a positive one (and to balance things out – for my wife too). And when I speak with my neighbours who have lived here for 20+ years they speak of an area that has been on the up. There are indeed problems in my rung but certainly not on the level you speak of that I am aware, so there is no need for your flippant apology.

With regard to this post, the first action to take should have been to report the fly-tipping, no? I can surmise from John’s comments that instead of reporting the fly-tipping, he chose to have an oft repeated whinge about the state of the passage whilst throwing in a back handed slap at the areas gentrification. I can sympathise with his feelings, but you ridicule me for taking a photo and reporting it? You imply that those who shout loudest are the highest achievers. I am new to the area, finding my feet as it were and will continue to find ways of improving our community, but rest assured, I won’t be harping on about it, nor do many other people that work quietly to improve their patch.

I couldn’t give a damn where you chose to move to, that was never my point. I like Crouch End and have nothing against the people or the place (I was staying on theme when I mentioned “rubbish people”; let’s just assume I was referring to fly-tippers). I shop there often but have no "Crouch End envy". My point which I will repeat is that you have left Harringay but continue to put down the people who live here (including your friends it seems) at every opportunity with your vitriol on a site that centres on Harringay. Have some respect and think about what you write next time.

Yes, agree John.

There are some great things going on around here, with strong community action and I am impressed by those who are really trying hard to make Harringay a great place to live.  But HoLiners are only part of the community after all. There are some parts that just don't give a damn and don't see the mess they create.

I can see a link here with another discussion about the people who rummage through our bins on a regular basis which seems to be on an organised basis. We have the right not to like that and other things that go on round here. We can't turn away from the downsides and by discussing them we might start to move forward towards some sort of long term change. Or maybe not... 

I reported this via the Love Clean Streets app this morning.
Let me know which section of the passage this is and I'll get Veolia and the council on to it. It certainly is worth enforcement having a look through it to see if the culprits can be identified
Between Frobisher and Lausanne. That bit of the passage has been particularly bad in recent weeks.

Thanks Karen but it's been cleared up this morning. So well done to Council / Veolia and whoever helped in this.

Interestingly I saw Veolia come by not long after I posted the location.

There has been so much dumping recently all along the ladder roads. Is this a change over time for rental rooms or something? There is a transient population with no community engagement and if they have little money, rubbish landlords, etc. I imagine they don't give it much thought dumping their rubbish. Surely someone would have noticed someone having a clearout - this stuff cannot have been carried far?



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