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Looking for lady who crossed my path coming out of the Haringay Station Bridge around 9am on Saturday 11th Feb pushing a bike

Looking for lady who crossed my path caming out of the Haringay Station Bridge around 9am on Saturday 11th pushing a bike

I am not trying to use harringayonline as a dating site. Something happened that left me baffled so I am looking for her to have her point of view.

I was entering the bridge with my shopping bags coming from Wightman Road. She was coming down the bridge pushing her bike.

We both stopped to allow the other to pass. I told her 'you first I'm not in (a) rush' repeated twice because she didn't hear/understand/reacted the first time. While passing she said 'I know you are double talking. I'll let you double talking'
She spoke with what sound to my foreigner hears a very clear RP English.

I'm not sure what she meant. I discussed it with a few native friends and we didnt' come up to a clear explaination of what she meant. Many theory were suggested but nobody.

I would love to find her and ask what she meant.

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Well double-talking is normally defined as saying one thing when you mean something quite different. Perhaps she thought you were being sarcastic. If you know that you were being genuine I wouldn't waste your time worrying about it. If she took what you said the wrong way, that's her problem not yours.
I suspect she heard you say something twice but still didn't understand you.

Also when a man insists I go first it's sometimes so he can watch me pass. Most frustrating when it's a male driver and there are NO CARS behind him so it would be quicker for me (and a hell of a lot less creepy) if he just got out of my way.
I was looking at my phone. I stared at her so much that I have not even idea about her age
I'm not saying you did anything inappropriate, just explaining how women sometimes interpret things.

How very sad  Sometimes ( usually ) it's just courtesy.

well im sure its not the first time HOl has been used for a bit of match making

For a moment I thought this post was about me and found it creepy. It's perhaps a bit disingenuous and as well and certainly entitled. I mean google it and get a clue. But I will state the obvious: when man makes a point of letting a woman go first, this sexist custom can annoy her for all the hypocrisy.

Car drivers who are turning right or left into another road MUST give way to pedestrians, whether male or female.

We were both walking so cars are not relevant.

@Zoi, why creepy? I am just trying to ask the person who spoke those words to tell me her point of views.

About being sexist let her go first: the passage would have not allowed two people to pass at the same time so someone has to go first, I was "glyph hacking in ingress" (google it if you don't know what it means ) and I was walking very leisurly so it made sense to let her pass first. On top of that if I went first we would have found both ourselves on the bridge between the bollards with the bike.

I DID google it and ask native but we did not get a definitive conclusion.

Here some extract from a conversation with natives:

A highly educated English with wide knowledge of English languages and other including Latin: “Uh, no idea. Bit odd?!” Possibly as 'I heard you the first time!'

Me: I was baffled because she looked/sounded/acted very politely but whatever meaning I came up to explained her sentence sounded very rude...



I think that's less likely - she was more probably saying that she heard you the first time, I think. There's no true/false element in 'you go first', so it would be very odd if she implied any duplicity on your part.


I'd argue it was just pragmatism on Muriel's part... the other option being they awkwardly squish past each other. Just so happens that Muriel offered to stand aside first and given she had the bike that makes sense


The lady with the bike may have thought you meant the opposite of what you said and actually you _were_ in a rush but you were either being super polite or sarcastic. "Double" as in two meanings, not an expression I'm familiar with.

That was my first thought but I was not in rush at all I was glyphing


I also observed Muriel. His face always shows as annoyed so his politeness can be easily misread as, 'get the move on, I'm trying to deploy on this portal'




I was thinking it could be that you saying one thing but you action is saying another. Also I noticed that some people get very pedantic about missing out of correct grammar in muriel stamen he could have used an "a". 

Double talk from the way i see it means i can not understand you.

And that was my second interpretation after googling which I find rude and strange coming from a polite English lady


I have read the part of the Highways Code where it says drivers should give priority to people already crossing a road. Never heard that rule before, is it new?

I especially dislike when a driver insists I cross in front of them when there is no one behind and they haven't checked to see whether anyone is approaching from the other direction. I'd rather make my own judgment on when it's safe to cross, thanks.

It's been in the Highway Code for as long as I can remember.

If I happen to give way to you, please accept that it is out of courtesy and in obedience to the law.  And give me the benefit of the doubt.  



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